What better way to celebrate this time of year than to watch some ‘ol-time favorite Christmas movies? And there have been many classics over the years that never fail to delight me and put me in the spirit of the season. Without a doubt, some of the ones I choose will date me, for they are from a bygone era. But they’re the ones that I’ve always remembered.
Leading off, there’s the magnificant It’s a Wonderful Life with Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed, and Henry Travers portraying a guardian angel to the Jimmy Stewart character, George Baily. The angel’s name is Clarence Odbody, who is an AS2 (Angel 2nd Class), being 2nd class because he’s never earned his wings after 200 years of trying. That sets the stage for the rest of the movie, how Clarence finally earns his wings while showing George what the world would have been like if he’d never been born.

Yeah, I’ll admit, this is definitely old-school tech; VHS tape for a VCR. But hey…it still works!
Next is Miracle on 34th Street, starring Maureen O’Hara and a young Natalie Wood. Wood portrays a little girl who’d been taught not to believe in fairy tales, thus she didn’t believe in Santa Claus…until she goes to see Santa at Macy’s and meets Kris Kringle, who claims to be the real and true Santa. The movie almost turns into a courtroom drama as Kris tries to prove he’s not insane by claiming to be the real Santa and, as with most movies of this nature, a happy ending is forthcoming.
Then there’s one of my all-time favorites, A Christmas Story, based on the short stories and semi-fictional anecdotes of author and raconteur Jean Shepard. This is the tale of a nine-year-old boy named Ralphie Parker who wants nothing more for Christmas than a Red Ryder BB gun. He gets his wish, and what happens afterwards is a story in itself. One of the most enduring things about this movie is the sub-plots about Ralphie’s father, lovingly referred to as “The Old Man” throughout the movie. He’s portrayed by Darren McGavin, who later gained famed in the TV movies The Night Stalker and The Night Strangler, followed by the television series Kolchak: The Night Stalker. But A Christmas Story has become a tradition on Ted Turner’s TBS and TNT networks, sometimes running 24-hour marathons beginning on Christmas Eve. This movie is way too funny!
This Dickens’ classic novella has been done numerous times on film, stage and in other forms of presentation. Just recently, we saw an act of this from the play done at a Dickens’ Christmas Festival. The one I’m most fond of is the 1984 television movie starring George C. Scott as Scrooge. He does a magnificent portrayal. But in this version, Scrooge is portrayed more as a prosperous, and ruthless, businessman as opposed to being a miser. And he’s stocky, not scrawny. Novelist and essayist Louis Bayard, posting in Salon.com, described this version of Dickens’ novella as “the definitive version of a beloved literary classic,” especially praising Scott’s portrayal of Scrooge.
This latter day version of A Christmas Carol is a comedic take on the tale starring Bill Murray, with appearances by the great actors John Houseman, Robert Mitchum and John Forsythe. The “Scroogy” Murray portrays a television executive (Frank Cross ) planning a live production of A Christmas Carol on Christmas Eve, requiring the entire staff to work on the holiday. When questioned about this by his timid, toady yes-man, Eliot Loudermilk, played by Bobcat Goldthwait, Cross fires him. After this is when the ghosts of past, present and future Christmases pay their visit. To me, some of the funniest scenes belong to Goldthwait who is absolutely hilarious, especially when he comes back with a shotgun and confronts Cross intending to kill him.
There are so many other marvelous Christmas movies, but these are some of the ones on the top of my all-time favorite list. Just remember, if during this holiday season you hear a bell ring on your Christmas tree, that means an angel has earned its wings. And what better way to close than with the closing words of Tiny Tim in A Christmas Carol: “God bless us, everyone!”
I love all things Christmas and I am one of those “weirdos” who watch Christmas movies all year long. I listen to Christmas music all year, too.
I have watched every single one of these movies and I love all of them! They are classics that every child should grow up on!
I totally agreed during the holiday season, what better ways to celebrate than watch some classic Christmas movies with friends and family, thank you for recommending so many wonderful Christmas movies, I cant wait to check out Miracle on 34th street and It’s a wonderful life, I havent watch these movies before, I cant wait to watch it with my family during this festive season 🙂
I love Christmas movies. I binge on them every year. Scrooged is one of my favorites. Everything about it is great.
I love Christmas movies too. Not so much the ones on your list. Mine are more the chic flick type ones. My favorite is The Most Wonderful Time of the Year with Henry Winkler. Oh, and of course Santa Clause and Home Alone.
These are such classics. We always loved watching Miracle on 34th Street. That’s still one of my daughter’s favorites.
My 2 favorite Christmas movies are National Lampoons Christmas Vacation and White Christmas. 2 opposite sides of the holiday movie spectrum!
I haven’t watched some of those movies. I think I would suggest to watch it with my friends.
I love the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life”! My Mom used to make us watch it all the time and it has grown on me over the years.
I love everything about Christmas! I am hoping to spend more time with my family and be easy on work 🙂
Youmight laughed at me because I have never seen any of these movies! I would love to watch that “It’s a Wonderful LIfe!”
I have not watched these movies in years. I used to watch Its a Wonderful Life every year. I will have to watch Scrooged this year with the kids.
It’s a Wonderful Life and Scrooged are two of my favorite holiday movies. I love this time of year!
We just attended a Santa’s Castle set up at a plantation and they had a holiday hayride. They told A Christmas Carol while we rode and had displays set up. It was really cute. That is one of my all-time favorite stories.
I love breaking out the Christmas movies each year. We love Miracle on 34th Street and Elf! I haven’t seen all of these on your list. Looks like I have some movie watching to do.
Christmas is one of my favorite holidays and times of the year, and watching christmas movies with my family is a tradition and will continue to be.
I love Christmas movies. They are so fun to watch. I haven’t seen these ones yet though. They look great.
I have watched all these movies and all of them are such classics!!
I just love Christmas movies!!!! Movies are one of my favorite parts about the whole holiday season! So many goodies!
I’m not a big Christmas Movie fan, I like to watch the kid friendly ones with my kids though. There are two “Christmas” movies that I do watch year round. lol
I have not watched any of these movies, but I do love Christmas movies!