Hi y’all! Hope you enjoyed your weekend and the week that was leading up to the weekend, and that your new week is off to a great start. We have quite a busy week ahead…again, just like last week. But I’m not at all complaining because the reason that our week’s going to be busy is because of our upcoming trip. A trip that has been long overdue and is definitely much-needed and much-desired. I know the preparation is going to keep us busy, but I am more than excited in spite of it all.
We’re going to share about that trip here pretty soon, but for now let me share with you the busy week that was.
The hubs and I went downtown on Thursday last week and did the tourist thing…looking for souvenirs! Yes, we did, but it’s not for us, but for the special people we’re going to see soon. Too funny though because we never had problems looking for souvenirs in the cities that we’ve visited in the U.S., but it took us a while to find some here in our own city. We had a good walk though which was good exercise for the both of us and we found what we were looking for so mission accomplished on that one.
This photo was featured on Visit Asheville’s Instagram and Facebook page, by the way. If you want to see more on what our beautiful city has to offer, just visit either of those two accounts.
Spring time is cold time for me…usually. Not weatherwise but healthwise and I caught one last week and all I craved for was this ramen. So I had to wake the hubs up and ask him to get me this delicious vegetarian ramen from one of the best Asian restaurants here in the city. Yum!
Friday marked the end of the school year for our eight grader. He finished with flying colors so for us, it definitely called for a celebration. The three of us together with Hubby’s sweet cousin, Barbara, went out for dinner at one of our favorite restaurants and perhaps, one of the best here in the city, LongHorn Steakhouse. I am just giving you a sneak peek of that dinner for now, but I will blog more about that this Wednesday.
Hubby and I watched the movie, The Longest Ride which stars Scott Eastwood (Clint Eastwood’s son) the other night. He had recorded the movie on our DVR a few nights ago and it was Saturday night that we finally got to watch it. I didn’t realize until the end of the film that it was based on a book by Nicholas Sparks. We loved The Notebook too so it was a delight to find out that it was based on his book. So the following day, I told the hubs to get me the book and he got it for me! I am so excited to start reading it, but I have decided to read it on the trip instead since we have a lot of layover time and time in the air for reading.
And that’s it!
How was the week for you?
looks like a movie I’ll have to watch soon, I like Clint Eastwood, so I’ll probably like his younger version (his son!) And that food looked super tasty, wish I could try it : ) great week indeed!
Last week was a great week for us. We got to go on a trip of a lifetime for nine days we just got back but I wish I was back on vacation. It looks like you had a wonderful week.
That Ramen looks great! Not like the stuff in the package most of us eat! LOL I had not seen this movie yet nor heard of it!I will have to check it out!
I used to eat those ramen in packs or what we call back home as instant ramen a lot when I was still in my home country. It was only here in the U.S. that I started eating the “real” ramen. 🙂
Thanks for asking. My week was super busy. Bridal shower and wedding decorating on Friday. My cousin got married. I went to a concert. My kid left for Summer camp on Sunday. Super busy.
We just ate at a Ramen restaurant for the first time over the weekend and we loved everything we had. Can’t wait to go back and try something different next time. Nicholas Sparks is a favorite author, always keeps me entertained and not wanting to put the book down.
It sounds like you had a great week! You really scored a keeper with your husband! It take a special guy to sit through a chick flick.
Oh, let me tell you…he loves those kind of films. He is sappy, like me. 🙂
Did you read the book before you saw the movie? The longest ride was a fabulous book!! The movie was good too!! Great actors!
No, I haven’t read the book before I watched the movie because I had no idea the movie exists. LOL. It was only at the end of the film that we found out that it was based on a novel by Nicholas Sparks. 🙂
Sounds like you had a busy week. The Longest Ride looks like a good movie. I have not seen the movie or read the book.
I am a vegetarian too – the ramen looks great! Sounds like you had a nice week. This time of year is a lot of transitions, with school wrapping up and summer beginning.
Oh, I’m not a vegetarian. I just love this vegetarian ramen so much because it is so good! 🙂
Have fun on your trip! I love Clint Eastwood and his son is following right in his footsteps. I need to see that movie.
Thank you, Kelly! 🙂 Yup, you should watch it.
The Longest Ride is such a great movie. I will have to get a copy this weekend to watch again. This sounds like a great week.
My husband is a great fan of Clint Eastwood. I’m sure he’d love to see this movie again. The vegetarian ramen looks yummy.
Vegetable ramen? Looks so tasty! I can eat ramen everyday but I need to limit my sodium intake!
It’s awesome that you had a great time going around town. It’s so true, sometimes we don’t get to explore the place that we live in as much as we do the places we travel to. At least you found souvenirs!
I read the book before the movie. I need to get back into reading his novels. He is such a great writer.
Sounds like a good week. MY week has been insane, I have a lot of work to do and little time to do it. Story of my life!
That ramen sure looks delicious. I haven’t had ramen in a long time. This makes me want to grab some now!
What a fun-filled weekend! The Longest Ride is one of my favourite movies! Scott Eastwood is real eye candy haha.
He sure is! Totally agree with you on that. Haha.
It sounds like you had a great weekend. I hope that you are feeling better so that you can enjoy your trip.
I haven’t seen The Longest Ride yet.
Thank you! I’m feeling okay now. My cold is usually just a one day thingy. and I was already okay the following day. 🙂
I’ve never read a Nicolas Sparks book. I usually read about fashion so I currently reading The Bomb Life by Claire Sulmers.
I’ve never been to a Ramen restaurant, but would love to try it someday. I would love to read that book!
The longest ride and the notebook are really a great movies! Especially THE NOTEBOOK., it really has touched my heart. He really is a great writer. 🙂
Sounds like a nice week 🙂 I love the longest ride.
I really wanted to try to eat in a Ramen Restaurant, their food looks really tasty. I’m really glad that you had fun this week.
What a fun weekend you had! Every winter time I enjoy eating in a Ramen Restaurant and my husband really loves it!
It sounds like you have a busy week coming up for sure. Congrats to your son for passing with flying colors. That means he will be a high schooler which is very exciting. I wonder if your trip is to your homeland. The movie I will have to watch for sure. I didn’t know Clint Eastwood had a son that acted. Thanks for sharing your amazing week.
Honestly, I’ve had bit of a tough week due to a few maladies that I believe are related to pregnancy hormones. However, I’m looking forward to the weekend, especially since I want to catch up on some of my favorite TV shows on Netflix. 🙂
I LOVE Asheville i went there a few years ago for a conference and i want to go back with the whole family