A typical garden should already be a place for kids and adults alike. However, there are certain design changes that can be implemented to further entice children to the garden. Furthermore, these ensure that your kids will be safe even without great supervision. With that in mind, we’ve compiled several child-friendly garden ideas to help you out.
#1. Take Note of Your Water Features
If you have toddlers who love to run around your garden ensure that no large bucket or trough is easily accessible. If it is, you need to be there on the lookout to keep them safe. Kids could get curious enough or think of cooling down by going into those containers. If they are small enough, they could accidentally drown. Similarly, a pond could have safety grids placed on top of it to prevent kids from entering.
#2. Keep Harmful Plants Away
Not all flowering plants are safe for people. Poisoning is a serious issue, but even cases of allergies should be properly handled. Before you acquire any plants, you should conduct research and read the label. Some of the common garden plants that are actually toxic include the rhododendron and the hydrangea. Both of these have pretty flowers, but all of their parts are bad for your children.
If a kid consumes the rhododendron, they will likely suffer from vomiting and their pulse rate will slow down. Worse, seizures and a come could be followed by death. Likewise, the hydrangea contains a poisonous substance that can cause convulsions, dizziness, and even death. If you intend to grow these, put up high barriers and teach your kids never to consume them.
#3. Assign Zones
It’s important to strategize how the garden will be used. One area should be where parents and other adults can rest in peace while another could be where your kids can safely play. The area for your kids should be the section that’s closest to the house. This way, you can watch over your kids whether you’re in the garden or if you’re in the living room.
A bit further than that, you can place fences in steep areas or where you are growing delicate crops. Apart from fences, other suitable barriers include tall shrubs, trees, or a short green wall where you grow herbs and other small plants.
Of course, there should also be an area where both parents and kids can stay. Placing a swing or a slide should keep your kids busy. In fact, simply putting out their favorite toys in a small toy chest outside will do the trick. As for the adults, the installation of reclining seats and a gazebo will keep your mind at peace.
#4. Use the Appropriate Surfaces
If you want your kids to be around the garden, the surface should be prepared for them. For example, the grass should tolerate heavy foot traffic. Two varieties include the bermuda grass and the zoysia grass.
The former is resistant to drought and it will actively grow throughout the year except during winter. On the other hand, the zoysia grass grows well whether it receives full or partial sunlight. Lastly, you have the option to get synthetic grass that requires no maintenance whatsoever.
The walkway should also be taken into consideration. One of the best walkway ideas is to ensure that even bikes could move on them with ease. For this, stone and brick pathways are recommended. They are tough and provide a leveled surface for feet and wheels. Similarly, grass and wood chips will keep your kids safe if ever they fall down.
#5. Get a Sandpit with a Pergola
What would a child-friendly garden be without the traditional sandpit? This is a place where your kids can experiment and be creative using their toy shovel and pail. Consequently, the inclusion of a pergola keeps the children safe from the intense heat. This cover also means that you and other adults can rest in this area provided that there are outdoor seats for comfort.
Overall, a child-friendly garden is a combination of fun and safety. We can’t always be there with them, so we should at least consider these ideas. Simply placing barriers should keep them from harm’s way. Likewise, simple yet proven play equipment including swings, slides, and sandpits are more than welcome. We hope that our guide helped you to have a well-designed garden. If you have any questions, feel free to send us a comment.
Author Bio: Ann Sanders is the founder and main editor of A Green Hand, the blog provides information organic gardening and healthy living. Follow Ann on Twitter and Facebook.
I love these ideas. I think it’s important to design a garden around the kids when they’re young. You don’t want anything in there that could harm them or that they could destroy.
These are wonderful ideas! I’ve never seen too many kids who don’t like to dig around in the dirt, so doing a garden that’s catered to them is a win-win!
These are some lovely ideas, you definitely need to make sure all areas of your home are child-friendly once you have kids.
Great ideas. Getting the kids outside and engaged in a family activity is what it’s all about!
It is nice to give kids the “own” play space in the garden. I like your tips on how to accomplish that. However, my kids are now grown, so they have their own place in the garden to hang out with their friends. I think it worked out well for us. The kids can entertain in the backyard and patio.
So many things here I had not considered! I always think about plants and flowers that are harmful to pets but I never thought about those that can be harmful to kids. I do know the castor plant seeds, or beans I suppose are so we keep those out of our yard.
Love all these ideas. I have a 3-year-old niece who loves to water plants. We have a child-friendly mini garden outside our house.
I love the idea of a sandpit. I remember when my daughter was little, she absolutely loved playing in the sand.
These are all great ideas. We have always gardened with our kids. It’s fun to let them pick out veggie plants and flowers at our local nursery.
I love these child friendly garden ideas! While I dont have a good green thumb I want to try these someday with our son.
Very important tips for parents who plan to set up their garden this season or the next. It’s really important that you know what plants can harm the kids and how to keep them safe as well.
I absolutely love these ideas! We have a space in our backyard we’ve been planning on having a little garden, so we’ll definitely keep these in mind!