There are times that life can truly be a challenge. We all face issues on a daily basis, be it at work, of a personal nature, or just life in general. And this has been such a week, not only for me, but for my blogger buddy Lynndee, as well. We’ve both had a close family member sick and in the hospital. That creates much worry and stress, which in itself can lead to you yourself becoming ill.
But such is life; we are given many tests; some easy; some not-so easy. And these aren’t the kind of tests you recieve a grade on when you complete them. Sometimes the only reward is the self-satisfaction of knowing that you did the right thing. Fortunately for Lynndee and I both, our loved ones are back home, and life goes on and gets back to normal.
I consider such trials and tribulations as dusty roads, for no journey is without it’s pitfalls and rough going, especially this odyssey we call life. For those of us who persevere and carry on and get the job done, I really believe there are rewards awaiting us, and I don’t speak of financial rewards. There are things far greater than money, such as peace of mind and happiness, and as long as one keeps the faith and believes, good things will come.
Yepper, I am an eternal optomist who not only believes that good things soon await me, but who also believes in the beauty and magic of life, and I patiently await the time that I will be allowed to experience the mystery, beauty, and magic of all these wonderful gifts.