His luck never fades. I’m referring to my dad who’s always been lucky when it comes to raffle draws in the golf tournaments that he’d joined. I’ve blogged about the goodies that he’d won in February of this year here and here’s the latest goody that he won last week – a 21 inch colour TV. Mom’s still thinking where to put this one since all the rooms have a TV set already except for the bathroom though, so, I think that’s the place where this will go. Hee hee.
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About Lynndee
I consider myself a foodie and I love road trips. I currently reside in North Carolina with my husband and son. I hold a degree in Bachelor of Science in Commerce with a Major in Management from my Alma Mater, Notre Dame of Dadiangas College (now known as Notre Dame of Dadiangas University) in my hometown of GenSan, Philippines. I also love listening to music, singing, watching TV, reading and cooking.