I am one who has been blessed and fortunate to experience such in my life, the multitude of choices offered by living where I do, right in the middle of two worlds. I live on the outskirts of a large metropolitan area, making it easy for me to jump in the car and go to the city to do my shopping, dining, or partying, whatever the case or need may be. But when it’s time to go home, I go to a quaint suburban community where my kingdom nestles in quiet and solitude.
Not only is it my kingdom, I consider it my own personal game preserve because I’m surrounded by all kinds of critters, whom I consider my buddies. Though in a suburb, I’m off the beaten path living on the ol’ homestead which once upon a time was a farm. There’s plenty of trees and thickets for my buddies to call their home: squirrels and rabbits; chipmunks and opossums; and a multitude of birds, including owls and a pair of peregrine falcons, majestic creatures of the air who have chosen to roost here. And I’ve even seen a fox or two go strolling through over the years.
One of my li’l friends
But with such a bounty of nature surrounding me, with that comes the downside: vermin and pests, such as little field mice. Oh, theyr’e cute, but they can create havoc if they get into your home, invading your cabinets and kitchen in search of food and water, leaving behind a mess. You can use traps, but that’s not exactly a pretty site to deal with, and poisons are dangerous to your kids and pets. That’s why I was happy to discover a new way to deal with said problem when it arises: All you have to do is plug it into any wall socket, creating an invisible force field (WOW! Sounds like something right out of Star Trek or Star Wars) that repels pests by messing with their nervous system, a safe, yet humane, way to tell them, “See ya; bye ya! GO AWAY!”
So next time I’m paid a visit by these not-so-friendly critters of my domain, I’ll know exactly what to do, and at an affordable price, as well, leaving me more moolah to go to the city with and shop and party to my heart’s content.