During weekdays when both my husband and my son are at work and in school respectively, I busy myself by doing online tasks and household chores. Once I’m done with everything that I plan to do for the day, I then entertain myself by watching shows that I watch regularly on our new TV before it’s time to get busy again in preparing dinner.
One of my favorite channels is Lifetime. But I must admit, I only came across this channel while I was browsing and flipping through the channels one day and saw Grey’s Anatomy on. I had heard a lot about the show but I hadn’t seen an episode so I had this urge to watch it and have been glued ever since. The channel shows reruns of the show and three episodes are shown every afternoon.
A couple of weeks ago a movie by Stephen King entitled Big Driver was advertised. It was going to air on Lifetime. The husband being a fanatic Stephen King follower, I made a note of when it was going to be shown and at what time. The clips of the movie shown on TV were what I consider a little scary and a bit disturbing, and not my kind of film to watch, but since the husband is a fan, I thought, why not watch it.
And yesterday, both the husband and I watched it. It was aired on Saturday night at 8 o’clock in the evening but the husband decided to record it on the DVR and watch it the following day. Our Saturdays are busy and we feel it is always best to watch a movie on a lazy Sunday.
After only a few minutes of watching the film, something dawned upon me. The story plot seemed familiar. And then I realized, I had read the story…in the book that I had given the husband as a gift on my first Christmas here in the US. It had been four years since I read the story so I think it’s only normal that I’d forgotten about it, right? I really don’t have memory gap yet, for certain. Wink wink! And the husband had totally forgotten about it too. Well, at least I wasn’t alone. #harhar
We watched it too lol.
Wasn’t it exciting? Heehee.
My kids watched it with us and they were like “Get away from the road” lol.
Sounds like me. LOL. Yogi didn’t watch with us because he was busy playing with his iPod. (“,)