As per Plato…”Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.” When I read something like that it reminds me of my husband who can sometimes speak so deep about things. That’s one reason this blog came into existence; after meeting him, before we were even engaged, I wanted him to co-author a blog with me because I loved the way he spoke and wrote.
I love listening to music too. I love almost all kinds of music – one thing that me and the husband have in common. I believe it is also one thing that my son had inherited from me. But my love for music didn’t reach to the point where I was interested to play any musical instrument. So, I was surprised when our son showed an interest to join the school concert band. And I was more than happy to oblige, to give in to his whim and support what interests him. My goal…for as long as it makes him happy and for as long as it is good for him and for the community, I go for it. And it delighted my husband. He’s played the guitar since he was thirteen but he was also in his high school’s concert and marching bands.
Last week, they had their first concert, the Winter Concert, and it was a success. For a first time performance, it surely was very impressive. Listening to them play Christmas carols brought more Christmas spirit into the air. Not to mention, it gave me goosebumps the whole time.
They all really did a great job. And I felt really proud watching our son play the trumpet like a pro. Like it was an easy-peasy job. I’ll bet all the parents were as proud as we were.
They had a rehearsal before the concert and in between songs was our chance to take photos.
And there’s our little trumpet boy. This was after the concert. He was happy and proud himself of what they had accomplished. He was so happy he was in a hyperactive mood until we got home. (“,)
Their next concert will be the Spring Concert in March. Now that is definitely something that we all look forward too.
How does music play in your life? Does any of your family members play a musical instrument?
Awww, that is awesome. My son took drum lessons for 3 years, but gave it up to focus on karate.
He would love to try drums too actually. Hopefully soon. (“,)
This makes me miss my days in Band. I played the flute, and it was the most fun ever.
This is so awesome! I’m not sure what my son will decide, but I hope he does decide to take up a musical instrument in school
Christmas carols bring happiness and festive spirit. I’m sure I’ll also have goosebumps when I’m there listening to them play in the concert.
He is looking handsome sistah. Must be a good recital for all of them.
Thank you, sistah. It was a successful concert. (“,)
How awesome, it sounds like all the kids did a great job. We don’t play any instruments in our house.
They all did a great job. So proud of them. (“,)
This is so cool! I remember last year when I and my friends used to do all these stuff too.
Omg how awesome!!!! I played the trumpet in school so to this day I just love any kinda holiday concert!!!
None of my kids were interested in playing any instruments in school. My grandchildren don’t seem to be either. My one granddaughter loves to sing though. I know you had to be very proud.
I was so proud of him. (“,)
Such an awesome activity for kids! I love school musicals!
Me too. (“,)
Looks like a lot of fun, I love going to concerts and this would be perfect for the holidays!
I remember when my kids were little and going to their Christmas concerts. It was always so fun to watch them on stage.
I know, right? It was really fun. (“,)
I used to be in the school band and I loved it. I played the clarinet many, many years ago.
Good to know that, Rena. (“,)
Aww how lovely that your son got to play as part of a the band. I hope my little one learns an instrument too when he’s older 🙂
Awww I love concerts. My oldest plays an instruments and loves it. =)
I remember my winter concerts when I Was younger. they were so fun!
Wonderful activity! Whether you’re a kid or an adult, it is important to stay in touch with music!