One day, a couple of weeks ago, a friend on Instagram shared her loaves of zucchini bread fresh from the oven. I had heard about zucchini bread but never tried it. I commented on her photo and that was the beginning of my journey to baking zucchini bread.
She was kind enough to share the recipe with me that she found on Pinterest. The recipe was initially for muffins, but she preferred loaves so she made loaves instead. She just made a little tweak on the recipe which you can see below.

This is the original recipe. I don’t have a muffin pan so just like her, I used a loaf pan, and cooked it for 55 minutes instead of 22-25 minutes like the recipe for muffins calls for.
Bookmarked for future baking.. this looks great and it is healthier then typical bread
Thank you. (“,)
I need to make this for my girls. Hide the zucchini in there, they’ll never know!
I know, right? This is perfect for my son too because he is so picky when it comes to veggies. (“,)
That looks surprisingly delicious considering it has zucchini in it which I can’t get the kids to eat. This maybe my sneaky way to work it in their diet.
Exactly! (“,)
I have never used zucchini in a recipe like this. This looks absolutely delicious and my daughter will be non the wiser
It was actually the first time that I’ve put a veggie in a dessert. (“,)
Yum that looks incredible. I haven’t ever made this before but I’ve made zucchini brownies and such. They were beyond good, so I bet this would be incredible!
You bet! (“,)
Ohhh, I love zucchini bread and chocolate, so this is a win win for me. It looks absolutely delicious too!
This looks so good. Can’t wait to try and make it!
I love zuchinni breads! There is nothing quite like them.
wow.what a great recepie it is …..
I know some people would think zucchini bread sounds weird, but I can assure you it is super delicious; I love it a lot!
Me too! Love it1 (“,)
I have not made zucchini bread in soooo long – now I’ve saved your recipe – so delicious looking – thank you!
Thank you too, Donna! (“,)
This looks so delicious. I will have to try this recipe. My mom always made Zucchini bread when i was a kid.
This looks really delicious. It has been a while since I made a zucchini bread. I say it’s about time I make one. Thanks for sharing this recipe.
You’re welcome! (“,)
I actually pinned this earlier because it looks delicious and definitely a recipe I would love to try! It seems super easy to make!
Thank you, Trisha! (“,)
We just bought chocolate chips for muffins. Maybe I should make them in the zucchini bread instead. 🙂
I don’t normally eat zucchini but this looks very tempting! Anything with chocolate will do for me.
I love Zucchini bread but never thought of adding chocolate. Definately trying this very soon.
This looks delicious and I’ve been meaning to try and bake with Zucchini! Looks like I found the perfect recipe, thanks for sharing
You’re welcome! (“,)
Oh wow. This looks so delicious! Pretty awesome combination you have it here.
This looks fantastic. I have to give this a try.
Omg this looks sO yummy!!!! Might just have to give this a try!
Chocolate and zucchini sounds so good. I am loving the combination! It’s almost healthy 🙂
I have yet to make zucchini bread. I was going to try this summer but just never got around to it. This recipe sounds delicious.
I’ve made and eaten a lot of zucchini bread in my life, but never any that contained chocolate. This sounds wonderful!
I love Zucchini Bread and the addition of chocolate to the mix makes it heavenly. Yummy!
I love chocolate, but I’m not a fan of zucchini. This looks delicious, I might have to try it out just once.
I have been wanting to try this. How was it?
It was delicious, Jennifer. I actually made another loaf last Sunday. (“,)
I love zucchini bread with walnuts, this looks good too.
Love the idea of putting walnuts. Might try that next time. (“,)
I have never attempted to make Zucchini Bread in either muffin or loaf form. Thank you for the recipe-now I can attempt it.
You’re welcome! (“,)
I’ve never had a zucchini in my life so I have no idea what it tastes like. I love the sound and look of the chocolate chip though! 🙂