Initially, you’ll probably be shaking your head and wondering just who Herbert George Wells is. But if I had used the moniker this man is commonly known as, you’d know right away of whom I was speaking: H.G. Wells. Wells has been called the father of science fiction, though an earlier novelist, Jules Verne, who wrote 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and Journey to the Center of the Earth, has also been dubbed such, and he did get about a thirty year head start on Wells in writing and publishing his works. But…Wells was a prolific writer and his science fiction novels include The Time Machine-considered the first modern science fiction story- The Island of Dr. Moreau, The Invisible Man, The War of the Worlds, and The First Men in the Moon, all of which were later made into movies in the years following his death in 1946. He was also a teacher, an artist and a writer of many works other than science fiction, touching upon all facets of humanity and taking stands on issues that are still relevant and debated on to this day.
Though I read most of his sci-fi novels when I was young, what re-awoke my interest in Wells was a movie we recently watched. Made in 1979, starring Malcolm McDowell, Time After Time is a science fiction movie telling the story of H.G. Wells actually using a time machine he had built to travel to the future chasing Jack the Ripper, who had stolen the machine from Wells to escape the police constables who confronted him, not knowing the machine would return back to the time he had just escaped, allowing Wells to pursue him. Arriving in the future, Wells is totally disappointed for he had always felt that mankind would eventually reach a state of utopia, but landing in late 1970 San Francisco he finds a totally different world than he had envisioned. Playing a bit on history, Wells falls in love with an Amy Robbins, whose name is that of a lady he actually married in 1895. And I’ll say no more for I’m not one to give spoilers for those who may look this movie up to watch. But I will say it’s a must-see, especially for those who have always been fascinated with science fiction and the paradoxes of time travel.
This movie jogged my memory and prompted me to go digging through my library because I recalled a purchase I’d made several years ago at a used-book store. And I found what I was in search of, the two volumes of what could be considered Wells’ masterwork, The Outline of History – “The Whole Story of Man”. Like many books I’ve picked up over the years, I’d never read it. So I jumped right in and, WOW! It begins with space, the formation of the Earth, the beginnings of life and the coming of man. And from that point it goes all the way to the end of WWII which, surprisingly, Wells had predicted in the mid-30’s would begin in 1940, missing the outbreak of war by only four months.
I was aware of this book my entire life. I remember way back in the day when on the back covers of magazines like Life, The Saturday Evening Post, and even TV Guide, there would be full page advertisements for The Book of the Month Club or Literary Guild with photos of the books they were offering, and it was the cover of The Outline of History that caught my attention in the book store that day, and I had to have it. I will admit, it’s a very deep read full of well-researched knowledge. But from what I’ve already learned, I can’t help but think that Wells truly was a genius, way ahead of the curve on things, a visionary extraordinaire.
The volume I picked up was a 5th edition copy published in 1956. First published in 1920, it’s still in print and just last year a new edition was released, illustrated & annotated. I can’t help but wonder what Wells would think of the continuing success of his endeavor. And though the utopian world he dreamed of never came to be, I’m sure he’d be amazed where the man he first spoke of back in the beginnings of life has traveled in the seven decades since his death. Now, if only we had a time machine, we could see what lies ahead in the next centuries, if we dared to, that is, for we might be just as disappointed as the fictional Wells was in the movie Time After Time. But here’s hoping that his vision of a war-free utopian World State wasn’t just a dream. We can only hope.
H.G. Wells was a master of sci-fi. I haven’t read many of his books, but the ones I did read were very well written.
I love the works of HG Wells. I have yet to read this one, but I will definitely have to pick it up now. Sounds like a great book.
I have heard of the books, but never knew the author. Actually, I have never read any of his books, but I should one of these days.
I kept thinking to myself, I know the name Herbert George Wells from somewhere….. Of Course!! HG Wells.
I enjoy reading H.G. Wells novels. He was very talented. We have a few books of his. I am not sure which ones. I know my boyfriend would know.
I had never heard of Herbert George Wells before this post. How interesting. Now I’m going to be seeing if I can find this book and check it out. Sounds very interesting!
I have not read this book, or any written by this author. Will have to check out!
This is just so cool! I watch Warehouse 13 on Netflix sometimes and one episode was about an item that HG Wells had and it turned out HG was a woman…well on the episode at least lol. I love old books, new books, books that are yet to be written….I do love War of the Worlds.
I’m embarrassed to admit that despite being a life long sci-fi reader, I’ve not read any of the classics from Wells or Jules Verne.
/hangs head in shame
I did not know him by his “full” name, but I have for sure heard of H.G. Wells, and have read a few of the books! Looks like a good find and a good read!
I’m sure my husband and son know who he is. I’ve never read any of his books, but it was interesting learning a little about him today.
I thought that name sounded familiar, haven’t read anything of his in a long time! This brings back a ton of memories.
This definitely shows how intelligent he really was. I’ve never read this particular book but I’m interested now.
I am forwarding this to my girlfriend’s book club. I am sure they will love this!
I don’t recognize the name even after your explanation. It’s not your fault though. I’m just not a history nerd. I scrapped by on most of my history classes.
I’ve never read this one before but it’s definitely being added to my July reading list! Thanks for sharing!
The author is familiar, but I have not read any of his books. This one is interesting.
I have not read any of this bok but I saw the movie that you mentioned. I love that movie actually.
HG Wells is a great author, and yes, I knew his full name. Including this book, I’ve never had to put his stuff down due to not feeling it.
HIs name does sound familiar, looks like a great read as well!
I remember reading some of these books during my early adult years. I was so into science fiction back then.