Over the past few years I’ve strayed away from watching TV other than keeping up with my Atlanta Braves and following my talking-head news programs. Even having a satellite dish and then moving to cable, I was at a loss to find anything interesting, other than some of my favorite oldies, including The Twilight Zone, The Outer Limits and my most favorite of all, Quantum Leap. Over the past couple of years, though, as a family, we’ve discovered some great new series that we watched faithfully, such as The Last Ship, Legends and Agent Carter. Since then, however, we’ve done away with the cable, other than basic service, and recently signed up with Netflix, finding so many great programs that it would be impossible to watch all of them.
One of our first discoveries on Netflix was a series they created, Daredevil, based on the Marvel Comics character. I’ve spoken here before about my love of the Marvel Comics group. Though I did read Daredevil, I didn’t collect them as I did some of the others. So to see his story from the beginning was an awesome experience. Matt Murdock was blinded as a little boy and later met blind man who taught him how to use all his other senses to make up for the loss of his sight, a talent he mastered. He later became a lawyer and began using his skills in an almost vigilante manner to fight crime in the Hell’s Kitchen area of New York City. Nonetheless his methods, he’s definitely one of the good guys and in watching the series you can’t help but pull for him.
Two other series we found that we’d never even head of or watched was Person of Interest and Blacklist, both series that had been on regular network. Person of Interest would make anyone with paranoid tendencies look over their shoulder in this post 9/11 era. It’s about a man who invents a unit he calls “The Machine” that monitors everyone’s actions across the nation, searching for possible terrorist activity. The machine also discovers all other criminal activity which the government considers inconsequential and chooses to do nothing about. But the inventor finds a willing accomplice, a former CIA agent, and they go about their own vigilante way of preventing crime and protecting people that the government seems to care nothing about.
Blacklist tells the story of a former Navy officer, portrayed by James Spader, who became a criminal and for over twenty years remained on the loose. But he comes in and surrenders to the FBI on the condition that if he aids them in capturing many of the most wanted criminals on their list, he will receive immunity from prosecution, along with one other caveat: that he work exclusively with a rookie FBI profiler, Agent Elizabeth Keen. An interesting factor that will take many more episodes of watching to discover the reason for such a request.
As it looks now, we have dozens of episodes yet to watch which will certainly keep us busy and entertained. I’ll just have to make sure that I still make the time to do my blogging and keep y’all abreast of what’s going on in my world. So until next time, see ya, bye ya!
My husband and I love the Blacklist. It;s one of only 2 shows that we watch live. We never miss it.
I’m a huge fan of Netflix. I love their movies, and all of their original programming is really, really good.
Daredevil is a great show. Actually, all of the Netflix originals are great. They do a really great job.
My son loves Daredevil. He said the coolest part about it is that it’s an extension of the overall Marvel universe.
We are addicted to Blacklist. We can’t wait for the season to start again! I did watch Person of Interest for a while, but sort of got out of that one.
Netflix is not something we have signed up for yet. I am thinking that we shouldn’t because it will only cause me to watch more TV then I already do 🙂
My boyfriend watched all of Daredevil without me and I was mad! I have some serious catching up to do.
We have Netflix but have not watched many movies or shows lately. I need to look these up!
Blacklist sounds like a very interesting show. I hope to catch this on Netflix. I’m sure I will be hooked.
Person of Interest and Blacklist are two of my favorite shows! I love James Spader-he is an amazing actor and perfect for Blacklist!
I love Netflix and my husband is addicted to it! He can finish up to 5 movies/tv shows per day.
We just love Netflix! There’s so many great movies to watch out for. How great is that!
We love Netflix in this house too. I don’t get to watch much of T.V. any more but when I do it’s usually Netflix.
I used to have Netflix and I miss it now. I seldom watch TV so Netflix oves you that freedom to watch the show with less ads.
I have so much to catch up on Netflix. Can’t remember the last time I watched my favourite shows. 🙁
I have been watching Daredevil on Netflix. I love it so far. Netflix has an amazing selection of movies and shows for the whole family.
Oh how I love Netflix. We dont have cable here and we dont miss it at all thanks to the awesomeness of netflix!
I LOVE NETFLIX.. My only issue is when all the new seasons come up.. I watch NON STOP.. and then for a few months I have nothing to watch lol! Still worth it!
i LOOOOOOOVED the daredevil series!!! check out sense 8 and the killing–both of those are really great netflix series!
I have to admit The Blacklist is one of my favorite shows to watch right now to watch on Netflix. Netflix has awesome shows to watch. Thanks for sharing about the shows.
I’ve had Netflix for a couple of months now and I freaking love it. Orange is the New Black is one of my favorite shows. My kids also enjoy Kids Netflix.
We are big Daredevil and Blacklist fans. I am loving all the new superhero shows too.
Netflix has been my best friend lately. There are always so many great shows or movies to watch. You can’t go wrong.