I recently wrote of our discovery of Netflix and the joy it gives us in finding good shows to watch on TV. There are so many choices. It takes quite a bit of time to scroll through all the possibilities and, at that, it takes little time to find something of interest. There’s even the option of adding shows to a list that you can come back to to find a show you want to watch, saving it for later without having to try to find it again. And there’s also a search capability if you’re seeking a particular show or movie.
My want-to-watch list is full of movies and series. And recently, I found a movie that I’d heard of many times but had never had the chance to watch: Once Upon a Time in the West. This is one of those classic “spaghetti westerns”. They came into vogue in the ’60’s, made famous by the Italian director Sergio Leone who made the films A Fistful of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More and The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, which came to be known as the Man With No Name trilogy (or the Dollar’s Trilogy). These movies established Clint Eastwood as a star for his recurring role as “The Man With No Name”. Up to this time most of his appearances had been in television, such as the series Rawhide, without ever having had a credited film role. Ironically, he had a chance to continue in this venue.

“The Man With No Name”
After completing the trilogy, Leone wanted to retire from shooting westerns to do other work, but Paramount Pictures gave him the opportunity and budget to do another western working with Henry Fonda who was his favorite actor, one whom he’d always wanted to work with. Fonda was cast against type as a gun slinging villain. One surprising aspect to the movie is Fonda’s beautiful blue eyes which contrasted the cold, icy nature of his role. And Leone’s first choice to portray Fonda’s protagonist, the mysterious character known only as “Harmonica”, due to his constant playing of the same tune, over and over on a harmonica, was Clint Eastwood, but he turned it down, moving on to other work including his creation of the “Dirty Harry” character. It was then that Charles Bronson was chosen to fill the role. Ironically, Bronson had turned down the chance to portray the “Man With No Name” in the Dollars Trilogy. And just as Eastwood had truly launched his career with the Dollar’s Trilogy, Bronson’s stock went up after starring in Once Upon a Time in the West. Another great actor that graced this film was Jason Robards portraying a bandit known as Cheyenne, who linked up with “Harmonica” in the battle with Frank. Robards later went on to do a great portrayal of the Washington Post editor Ben Bradlee in All the President’s Men, another of my all-time favorites.
I remember seeing Bronson for the first time in a Twilight Zone episode called Two, also featuring Elizabeth Montgomery prior to her becoming the witch named Samantha in the TV series Bewitched. I consider that one of the classic “Zone” episodes, especially due to the metaphorical Adam-and-Eve ending.

In no way could I count the number of times I’ve watched these classics. Now all I need is a copy of “Once Upon a Time in the West.”
Unlike the Dollars Trilogy, Once Upon a Time in the West is a slowly paced, dark and somber work when compared against the style of the Dollars Trilogy. Some might find it boring because of that, and when released in the US, it was a flop. But since then, it was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry for being “culturally, historically or aesthetically significant.” And in some lists, it’s included as one of the greatest films of all time. But in its own way, it’s mesmerizing, with a haunting musical score, and from the beginning, the ongoing duel between Fonda’s character Frank and Bronson’s “Harmonica” persona, you’re keept wondering just what their history is, constantly alluded to by Frank’s continuing question to “Harmonica”, “Who are you?” That’s answered at the end in a classic O .Henry-like ending, well worth the wait.
Unfortunately, Leone, Fonda and Bronson are gone now, but their works remain to forever entertain us. Eastwood is still with us though, continuing to give us great work as an actor and director. An interesting aside to the work of Leone and Eastwood in the Dollars Trilogy is that it gave us something else: Stephen King’s seven volume The Dark Tower Series. Roland the gunslinger was inspired by King seeing the “spaghetti westerns” in his college days; Roland is his version of “The Man With No Name”, and the vast wastelands Roland traveled through were of the same as in these movies. Now, if only inspiration would strike me; I can only hope. But I’ll keep watching Netflix and maybe one of these days someone will be doing a blog post about my great novel, inspired by another great movie.
I have never seen a Clint Eastwood movie. I think my husband is a fan, though.
I’ve always loved Clint Eastwood westerns, and The Dark Tower books are some of my favorite. I’m not surprised to hear that they’re connected.
I have not seen of the old westerns not really my thing, but Clint has done a lot of work lately that I like. The few movies I have seen him in he was an awesome actor.
Clint Eastwood, such a classic. Always delivers a great performance.
Those old movies are best! I love the style and the writing – it’s so unique. Nothing like the movies that are made these days. Real classics, that’s for sure.
I love Clint Eastwood movies. I think he is a fantastic actor and will pretty much watch anything he is in.
I am not sure if I like the old westerns because today’s action films are so amazing, but I will check it out on Netflix! I love Netflix!
I love Clint Eastwood! He is a good actor and always deliver a good performance! Very talented
I really love old classic movies. Not a huge Clint fan but admire his work.
I’m not a fan of Clint Eastwood movies but this looks like something my husband would enjoy. Thank you for the recommendation!
We love Clint Eastwood! This movie really is a good one!
My husband and dad are great fans of Clint Eastwood. I think my dad has seen all of his films.
Clint Eastwood in all of the old movies brings back memories, my family friend Fred used to come over and watch these all of the time! Love it!
I watched so many movies of Clint Eastwood and I can say that he is one of my favorite Hollywood actor.
My family is a fan of Clint Eastwood movies, he is a great actor and gives it his all when delivering a role for his movies. So talented.
I’m not much into old westerns but this does have my interest piqued. I’ll have to check it out!
I am a horror genre fan, I’d give anything to see Clint in a horror flick! I would camp out at the theater waiting for them to open to go see that! 🙂
What an interesting review! I didn’t know that about Stephen King. Thanks for sharing! Classic actors and movies. 🙂
I don’t think that I have ever seen a Clint Eastwood movie before. Isn’t that horrible? I do have Netflix though, so maybe I will change that soon.
Clint is a little much for me, but my husband said he grew up on his movies! He qoutes him all the time!
My cousin is addicted to western books and movies. She already collected so many. Need to tell her about this.
That’s all we watch is Netflix. I have got to look for these shows the next time we turn it on.
Have you seen Clint Eastwood’s son? He looks JUST like him!
My dad loved Clint Eastwood movies but his movies were never my type of thing. Not sure if my husband likes them or not I will have to tell him though. His movies are very popular.
I’ve seen some of Clint Eastwood’s works over the years. My Mom is a huge fan and well I had no choice. lol
i grew up watching Clint Eastwood movies… Such a classic in our home 🙂
My husband is a Clint Eastwood fan – I will have to pass this along to him to learn more!