Happy New Year!
2017, you were such an amazing year. We feel so blessed and we couldn’t be more thankful and grateful. You certainly are one for the books!
Today, I’m looking back at the wonderful memories that we made and shared here on the blog last year. We’re hoping and praying that 2018 will be as wonderful. Here you go.
There’s no doubt, the highlight last year was our month-long vacation to my home country, the Philippines. We’d been planning to visit my hometown since I’d come to the US to get married and it finally materialized in the summer. It had been six years since the last time we saw my family back home so we spent as much time as we could while there, just being together and it was wonderful. We enjoyed some of our beautiful beaches like the one in Gumasa and we even took a road trip while we were there.
Although we had a blast in the Philippines, we also had fun exploring our own backyard, so to speak. We’re lucky that we live in a city where there’s so much to see and do. So as much as we can, Hubby and I plus the little one in tow, if he’s free, visited places around the city to enjoy. Below are the posts I made and shared here.
A Walk in the Botanical Gardens of Asheville
Birthday at the Biltmore Estate
The Gardens of Biltmore Estate
Yarn Bombing in Asheville is Back!
I certainly miss Filipino food while I am here in the Land of Uncle Sam so I literally indulged myself in all things of Filipino or Pinoy food while we were there in the Philippines including crabs. I forgot to check the scale after the trip though to see if I gained weight. 🙂
I have also shared some healthy recipes that I found online like the Shrimp & Sausage Skillet Paleo, Salmon Burgers, Baked Chicken Tenders and Grilled Shrimp Foil Packets. Hubby prepared his mom’s Easy Cornbread Recipe too. And I was so over the moon upon learning of an Asian store here that sells fresh seafood. Finally! They sell pork belly too which is something that you can’t find at the U.S. supermarkets so I made Oven-Roasted Crispy Pork Belly. Yum!
Last year, our son started high school. Yep, we already have a high schooler. Where did the time go? A new experience surely awaited him, but before we finally sent him into the world of high school life, we celebrated his end of middle school with a special treat. He deserved it because he’s been a great student from the beginning.
There were also a lot of other events last year that I would never forget like the Great American Total Solar Eclipse and the winter wonderland that we had which the meteorologists didn’t see coming. Well, they kind of saw it coming, but they sure never thought it would be 8″ of snow rather than the 3″ that they had predicted.
It was a great year as well for the brands who entrusted me to promote their products. Here on our blog, we only promote products that we like and trust…nothing more, nothing less.
How was 2017 for you?
Here’s to a wonderful 2018 to us all! Cheers!
2017 was a big year for you! Here’s to 2018 being even better than last year!
Looks like you had a great year! 2017 was a good year for us, thankfully! Here’s to another great year!
It looks like you had a lovely year in 2017! I would love to try Philippino food some day!
Looks like you had an amazing year with family. I hope you continue your success and happiness in 2018!
There does seem to be a lot to do there in your area. Looks like you enjoyed a great year, here’s to another one in 2018!
Going back home after 6 years is a really big deal. I’m glad you had that experience. 2017 was a good year for me and I’m looking forward to 2018.
The eclipse was so amazing. I am glad I got to take part in this.
You know, this year was really amazing. I have no regrets and cannot wait to see what the newest year has to offer.
I think it is so great to look back at an amazing year and just enjoy all the wonderful memories before moving forward to create some more!
That is wonderful! 2017 was an odd year for me. There were plenty of good things yet there quite several unexpected things about the year. That is why I’m hoping that this year is much better! This year, I’d love to do more traveling since I didn’t to get to do much of that last year. 🙂