Happy Monday and I hope all you Moms out there had a wonderful Mother’s Day! My husband and son as well as my family never fail to make me feel loved on Mother’s Day so I’m sharing all the ways that I was shown love this Mother’s Day, although it also happens any other day of the year. But since we just celebrated Mother’s Day, let’s focus on that special day for the Moms, shall we?
Breakfast Treat
Okay, so I was thinking of preparing one of those yummy Mother’s Day breakfast and brunch recipes, but I was also hoping that my dear Hubby would do the cooking for me. Neither of those two happened though. Instead Hubby decided to buy me breakfast from one of our favorite restaurants. And I took it without questions. How can I not? It was yummy too!
Video Chat
My Mom is thousands of miles away from me, actually half-a-world away, so since I got here in the U.S. more than seven years ago, our celebration of Mother’s Day has become different compared to what we used to do. Depending on the situation, we either text, talk on the phone or have a video chat. We video chatted yesterday. I’d just got up when my Dad called. We have a 12-hour time difference so it was early evening there when we chatted. My sister and her kids were also there celebrating Mother’s Day with our Mom so it was a fun video chat with all of them.
Mother’s Day Card
I always get cards from my husband and son every year and you should see the messages inside. But I decided that those loving and thoughtful yet funny messages will be for my eyes only. These two never fail to make me laugh. They sure have good sense of humor to go along with their warm hearts.
Thoughtful Gift
Well thought out gifts are simply the best. They don’t have to be expensive, but if the giver thinks you are worth every penny of that gift then take it with open arms. LOL. My husband is generous when it comes to gift giving, but he doesn’t buy just about anything. He makes it a point that each of those gifts are meaningful and useful.
Dinner with Family
Dinner with my favorite people namely my husband and my son is always how we end our Mother’s Day celebration. Back when I was still in my hometown, that was how we did it too – dinner with my parents as well as my siblings and their families.
A Flower
I don’t need to get a bouquet of flowers to make me happy and I think there are also Moms out there who feel the same way. This was a surprise gesture from the restaurant and it sure put a smile on my face. What a sweet surprise!
How do you show love or how were you shown love on Mother’s Day?
I think video chat is a great idea for Mother’s Day. i’ve been doing a lot of video chatting with my mother lately, and it’s so much nicer than just using the phone.
Such sweet ideas and all simple but meaningful. I love it. The video chatting is a super idea when not in the same place.
A good Mother’s Day gift for me is just giving me a break from things like work or having to make meals. I am a bit tired of laundry and washing dishes. It’s a treat to have a break!
I am a mother of 6 years and 2 years old kids, they gave me a warmed hugged and a sweet kiss on mothers day and I am so touched on what they’re doing.
I love the idea of doing a video chat. My husband and I video chat everyday from work and it would be nice for family who is far away on holidays.
These are such great tips for mother’s day. My kids surprised me with breakfast in bed!
Love the ideas! We ate out last Sunday and tried to do something special with my Mom.
Mother’s Day is an opportunity to show your mother that you care about everything she does for you. Though mothers never want anything in return, this is the day to show a token of your affection for them, and these are some nice ways to do so.
There are endless ways to celebrate moms on Mother’s Day. Hope your family had a great one!
I think sometimes people think you need to do something big and expensive. THese are great ideas though. I just want to be acknowledged.
This mother’s day was the first mother’s day i’ve spent away from my mother (we live in different states now). I used video chat to talk to her, it wasn’t the same but at least we were able to see each other.
I have to video chat my mom too! She lives far away! My husband sent a gift certificate to his mom on Mother’s Day.
i love all these ideas … i personally cant get enough of the smileys! i sent my aunt (2nd mom) edible arrangement because she is too far.
I got to go see my mom this year, I am so glad I made the 17 hour drive!
Love these ideas! We had such a wonderful mother’s day with my mom and son. It was incredible
Isn’t video chat wonderful?! It helps us keep connected with our loved ones no matter how far away they are.
Great ideas, I got lots of cards and an amazing dinner out with family and then a NAP! Hope your day was amazing.
I think I’m the weird one out. I don’t like gifts for mother’s day.