Here on this day of so-called supernatural happenings, I’m fortunate to live in an area that has its own past moments of scary doings and, who knows, if any credence is to be put in this idea, future moments yet await.
The Ghost of Helen
The one I most remember hearing about over the years is the tale of Helen’s Bridge. It was only in the past year that I finally decided to go find this haunted place. Was rather easy finding the directions on the ‘net so I followed up on a trip to a Thomas Wolfe memorial by traveling just a couple of miles to the bridge location. Since it was in the daytime, I ran into no wandering, ghostly vision. ‘Twas just a curious search to see if I could discover what all the talk and tales I’d heard was all about. So I checked it out, found nada, and put it all down to myth and imagination
Helen’s Hiding Place
The Lady in White
Then, just a short distance from my home, there’s an elegant, old church, over a hundred-years-old that supposedly houses another wandering spirit, the “woman in white”. It is said that on rare occasions, she’ll appear on the top step of the church’s stairway, make her way down to the waters of the French Broad River, then turn and walk toward the nearby Craggy Prison, in search of her lost fiancé who had lost his life in a prison fight shortly before he was to be released. Legend has it that she then spent hours and days, walking along the banks of the French Broad until one day, on not returning home, her family went in search of her, finding her body on the side of the river, drowned, not knowing if she’d fell in or jumped in, to end her sorrow.
The Lady in White’s Home
I’ll have to admit that both these tales of wandering spirits are fascinating. But I’ll also have to admit that I have never personally experienced any up-close-and-personal interaction with an unknown entity. So as to whether or not I believe in such is an I-don’t-know. But I have said, right here on my blog profile, that I do believe in magic and that it’s out there for those who are capable of looking beyond the obvious to seek the mystical. On that profound note, I’ll take my leave. And who knows? Maybe tonight, as the haunting hour nears, maybe I’ll find myself seeking answers by taking a trip to that haunted bridge or haunted church stairway. A perfect, adventurous journey to be made on this all hallowed eve.
Ooh spooky! Im not a big believer in ghosts but I do love a spooky story! Ive never seen one personally, maybe if I had I’d believe!
I see that you picked up my underlying disbelief in the idea of spirits, but…who knows? I still always keep an open mind and am not one to definitely say something is impossible.
Oh I try to stay away from the creepy. I definitely believe there are spirits in this world that are not human. I trust God will take care of them one day. 🙂 But I do love to travel to lots of old places and those seem to have their stories… lol