To make it easier for the three of us to shop for each other, we each make a wish list. But other than that, we also shop for something that is not on the wish list for that sweet, special surprise. And I also have my go-to gift ideas that always makes their way into the boxes underneath the Christmas tree each and every year.
Not only that, the following are my go-to gift ideas too when it comes to the gifts we give to the other members of the family.
Everyone in the family loves to read, adults and kids alike, so books are always a great gift to give. My sister-in-law loves to cook so a good recipe book is a great idea too. And my brother-in-law, just like my Hubby Harry, is a history buff, so my other half always has great ideas of what to get his brother bookwise.
This may not be the most exciting gift to give, especially to the kids, but it is always a great gift to give because if ever they don’t like it or if it doesn’t fit, they can always return it for a change or donate it.
Like they say, Christmas is for kids and the delight on each kid’s face when they see a new toy is such a joy.
There is always a gadget on our son’s wish list every year. He’s so into those things. I must admit, he knows more about the latest gadgets to hit the stores more-so than me.
Personal Care Items
Perfume, lotion, body wash or even soap. There is always a great sale on this items during the holidays. You can buy a pack and divide them among the women on your list. Or give them the entire pack of assorted personal items. Women always love this.
How about you? What are your go-to gift ideas for Christmas?
AIR FRYER! THAT is my go-to gift for everyone, every year – if they don’t have one! 😉
Great idea, Gigi. I want one! 🙂
I’ve found that you can’t go wrong with food! Though a book on something you know the person is interested in is always a great idea.
I just try to give people what they would like. No big secrets, lol.
Air fryers are a great gift. I love ours! Your gift ideas are perfect!
Books are one of my favorite gifts to share. This year I’m gifting a few journals to my sister and a few friends in my Bible study class
These are all great gift ideas. I love any of these too. I love the look on the kids faces when they open up their gifts. That is always priceless.
I like that you make a wish list but still everyone shops for at least one item that isn’t on the list at all – gives you a nice little surprise on Christmas morning. I guess I don’t have a go to list of ideas…. And this year it seems like shopping is even harder as my oldest son joined the military and he’s in Texas now and who knows where he’ll be stationed in June when this assignment is up. I have to be really careful because he can’t cart around just anything from base to base so as you can see I haven’t figured it out this year – still working on it!
We all have that list of killer gift ideas. This is a great list of your own!