Before I head on to my 2019 goals, let me look back on last year’s goals because I can’t help but be amused after reading my 2018 goals. If I am to grade myself, I think I got a B because I wasn’t able to have success in everything on my list. I did accomplish more than not, though.
Last Year’s Goals
So these were the goals that I was able to accomplish versus the goals that I unfortunately didn’t have success with. What do you think? Do I deserve a B? LOL.
Successful Goals
- Meal planning
- Eating healthier
- Quality time with family
- Traveled in the summer
- Stayed organized at home
- Made the bed everyday
- Created a list of posts per month
- Engaged more with audience and followers
- Grew our blog and social media following
- Collaborated with trusted brands
Failed Goals
- Drinking more water
- Exercise with the hubs
- Paint the bathrooms
- Update the kitchen
- Practice photography
The Why’s and the How’s
- Anyone else struggling with drinking at least 8 glasses of water daily? My sister is good at it and she told me she put her cellphone in alarm every 30 minutes to be reminded by it. I know there are apps that help you with that so I will have to check them out.
- The hubs and I did some walking at the golf course, but it wasn’t enough.
- Ironically, instead of updating the bathroom and kitchen, we updated our master bedroom instead. And it wasn’t even in the plan. LOL.
- I used my iPhone a lot when it comes to taking pictures because it is just handy. I know I need to use my DSLR more.
This Year’s Goals
My goals for this year are pretty much the same as last year. So I will just continue doing the ones I was successful at and strive and push myself more on the ones that I failed. But I do have new goals to add.
New Goals
- Read more: I got two books from Santa and after finishing the first one, I find it such a joy to be able to read a whole book again. I used to read a lot back home when I was still in the Philippines, but after I got here in the U.S., things just got hectic, some times overwhelming so I didn’t get the time or chance to read again.
- Meditate everyday: I started meditating last year using the app Headspace and it was really an awesome feeling. I didn’t do it everyday though so I will make it a goal to put more time to it.
I may have failed in some of my goals last year, but that won’t stop me from creating another set of goals this year. For me, it’s a motivation to create and write down goals at the beginning of the year. Besides, I am only human, so I’m not perfect.
Do you create your goals at the beginning of the year too? What are your goals for this year?
Well, I look at it this way – your accomplished goals of last year’s list is quite longer than the goals you didn’t get to. So, that’s an A in my book. Just add them to this years’ goals and get to them when you can. Don’t sweat it. I’m sure your home is quite pretty!!
Aww, thank you, Kimberly. You’re so kind. Happy 2019!
Good luck with your goals! Your sister has a great way to remember to drink water. I should try that.
I don’t really make goals. We plan certain things out and they always get accomplished. I usually just wing it
One of my goals is to drink more water. I’ve currently been using a habit tracker to keep on track with this goal.
I have gotten so lazy lately when it comes to taking photos. I used to always use my DSLR but now I just grab my iPhone. I have to start using my DSLR more again.
I have trouble drinking enough water too. So I bring along a 1L bottle of water with me everywhere. It’s really helped remind me to drink, even when I’m not thirsty.
I have been wanting to read more this year too. It’s one of my goals for 2019.
I am so happy that you have some goals for 2019! I am going to bet that you’ll acheive these goals and be able to be successful in 2019.
Thank you, Brandy. Happy 2019!
I am not good at following through with new year’s goals. I am setting short term goals by quarters. Then if I don’t finish I just moved it to the next quarter.
I think you get an A and I am a teacher!! You accomplished a lot. Your “failures” are just opportunities for the future.
Thank you, Terri. That is so sweet of you. Happy 2019!
We have a lot of the same goals! I also want to drink more water, meditate, and use my DSLR more! (I also did horribly on last year’s resolutions so don’t feel bad. Lol!)
It sounds like you accomplished a lot in 2018. Good luck with your goals this year. I’m still trying to figure out what my goals are for this year.
Thank you, Beth!
I think you deserve an A. You did all the important things last year! I would like to read more in 2019. Reading is so peaceful!
Thank you, Catalina!
Congrats that you almost achieve all of your goals. I have to set my goals this year too and hope I can reach it all now.
I think your photography skill is on pint sis. Drinking water is what my most successful goal last year, that and working out with the hubs.
Thank you, sis. Happy 2019!
It’s fun to look back on last year’s goals! This year I’m just hoping to get more organized and focus on projects. I don’t want to descend into chaos like last year 🙂
Okay, don’t tell anyone, but you reached more goals than I did in 2018. I say you get an A. Most people don’t have that rate of success on goals.
Haha. Don’t worry, Tami. I’m going to tell no one. Happy 2019!
Looks like you have accomplished most of your 2018 goals. Good for you! Wishing you the best of luck for 2019. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you, Dhemz. Happy 2019!
You accomplished quite a lot in 2018! That’s so awesome! I love your new goal of using your DSLR more to capture the beauty of your experiences and adventures. A toast to the new year and accomplishing a new list of goals!
Thank you, Denay. Cheers!
Glad you were able to cross off a number of things from your goals list. Hey, sometimes we just don’t have the time/strength to do some of the other things.