And what I’m speaking of is birthdays. Of course, one only has one a year but…in my case, I now look at that fact in a different way for today is the official third anniversary of my rebirth after having died from a massive heart attack which story I shared here. So even though the true date of my real birthday is a month away, I also now consider today, January 23, my third birthday for I truly was reborn three-years-ago today, thanks to the quick thinking of my wifey, Lynndee, and the amazing work of many technicians , nurses and doctors.
On that day, when the event went down, Lynndee immediately called 911 and they talked her through giving me CPR until the EMS team arrived. They got here in 10 minutes and discovered I had no pulse, so I was officially dead. Well, they did their thing, got me to the hospital and that’s when the fun really began.
Considering the state I was after having had such a critical type of attack, I was a candidate for a new treatment method, Therapeutic Hypothermia, where they lowered my body temperature down to anywhere from 89°F to 93°F. This helps the brain recover from any possible loss of oxygen due to the cessation of a beating heart. I was kept there for about 24 hours. And the fact that Lynndee immediately began CPR also contributed to me having no brain damage for she kept the blood still containing oxygen flowing to my brain.
I failed to share that part of the story when I first told y’all about that event. But I’ve learned many new details since it happened, and one fact is absolutely amazing. Just recently I saw my cardiologist and in speaking to him he informed me just how lucky I was. According to the statistics, I am in the 5% who survive the type of heart attack I had, meaning that 95% of the individuals that have an attack like mine ( ventricular fibrillation) outside of a hospital die. Therefore, the fact that I’m still alive and kicking is truly a God-given miracle. A lucky and blessed man am I.

Not only am I looking at this as my third birthday, I also have a new way of tracking my time of existence. I recently shared my new math on my past birthday. And I can’t help but use the calculation on this day. I have now lived 1,096 days since my rebirth, three years, including a leap-year, or 94,694,400 seconds. So those clicks on the clock can be added to the over two billion I’ve already counted and if I’m even more lucky and make it to a 100th birthday, I’ll pass the 3,000,000,000 second mark. Three billion! That’s sure a lot of tick tocks on the ol’ clocks.
Thank goodness I have not experienced something like this. Interesting how you keep track and remember
I have a second birthday: my cancer survival date! I am so glad you were one of the 5%. It seems that what you have been put here on earth for is a bit unfinished.
What an awesome story. You have been given a second chance. Happy birthday!
I just love this story! You deserve two birthdays after that. So Happy Birthday and here’s to many, many more.
Wow, you are so lucky to have been given that second chance. Happy 2nd birthday to you!
wow what an intense story and a great way to remember and share what you’ve gone through. happy birthday!
What an amazing story! And happy 3rd Birthday! I know you are grateful for your wife performing CPR until the EMS team arrived. Thank God you survived!
Your story is very inspiring. It’ll sounds like you found a new lease on life and you are excited to live it. So happy third birthday to you.
What a blessing! Yep, you’re entitled to 2 bdays a year after that. I teach CPR and it’s stories like yours that remind me of the importance of learning CPR as it helps saves lives. Happy Birthday!
I’m so glad you’re doing well! That must have been so scary for your family.
Wow this is such an amazing story! After surviving that it is no wonder you look at it as a second birthday! Long way you have two a year.
Such an amazing story to be saved in this way. Life is precious and wishing you a happy birthday!
I can’t imagine what you’ve been through! I’m glad that you are ok. I think you should be able to celebrate anytime you want to!
I work in healthcare and seeing people survive things they shouldn’t is AMAZING!! It sounds like you have the right attitude in not taking anything for granted after your rebirth!
You are indeed lucky! That must have been a very scary time for your wife, and I’m glad she was able to be calm enough to give you brain-saving CPR.
Wow, What amazing story and you’re so blessed for that and wish you for the best. God bless always.
Glad you are doing well. Happy 3rd birthday, must be so nice to be reborn. I wish you to continue being healthy.
Wonderful news that all is well and its been 3 years. Prayers that when the 5th year comes along, you will be healed
Amazing story, it reminds me that life is precious and we need to live fullest. Wishing you many more happy birthdays.