I did recently speak of starting another job, which I did, but…it certainly wasn’t what I expected it to be. So, I left there for another opportunity, and, same story, total disappointment! Ironically, both these institutions are iconic, landmark organizations, therefore, I’ll not name them for fear of legal action, but they sure weren’t what they’re cracked up to be considering the face presented to the public by their publicity and human resource departments. With that said, I can say that I’ve taken my third job in the last three months and it has been a totally different story. All is well, I’m making better money than I was making at the first two jobs, and the atmosphere is one of good teamwork and total support by management, which was totally missing at the first two locations.
I’ve shared much here recently about my love and fascination with Ian Fleming’s series of James Bond books. Plus, I’ve told of my quest to read the entire 14-book series, curtailed by my local library’s lack of having all the books. Well, with the coming of this past Christmas, my anghel of a wife Lynndee solved the lack of book problem by filling my stocking with all the Bond books missing at my library. And just the other day, I finally finished the 14th title in the series, completing my James Bond marathon of reading the entire collection. Having read the entire story, from beginning to end, I gained a new perspective of the Bond character, learning things about the character and his personality that was never revealed in the movie versions of the novels. Like in the movies, he truly was a womanizer, just as his creator Fleming was, which was revealed in the 2013 TV drama The Man Who Would Be Bond. But in the novels, Bond even exhibited a misogynistic side, taking away that cool, playboy tenor so often shown by Sean Connery to all his beautiful movie “Bond” girls. Still, the book series certainly paints a fascinating picture of MI6, the United Kingdom’s Secret intelligence Service, and their battles with Russia in the dawn of the Cold War.
We’ve recently began viewing the newest TBS docudrama I Am the Night, telling the story of the legendary 1947 Black Dahlia slaying, a yet-to-be solved, macabre murder. It truly is a dark tale, inspired by the autobiographical memoir and true crime book One Day She’ll Darken: The Mysterious Beginnings of Fauna Hodel. India Eisley portrays Fauna Hodel, surrounded by several real characters from the true story, and others who were created just for the mini-series. And even in the first two episodes, an attempt is made to solve the decades-old murder. Having seen the first two episodes, we anxiously await the next ones.
It’s about that time again for me to do the math of my age. My birthday is coming up within the next few days and last year I didn’t add a year to my age. I did the math and added 31,536,000 seconds to my age, making me exactly 2,051,222,400 seconds old, as in more than two billion tick tocks on the clock. And adding one more year will get me even closer to reaching the three billion mark of my march through time.
This has been my first visit here in almost two weeks. But I’ve been a busy boy with my new job. So, I’ll be seeing you again, soon, I hope, at the first possible chance I get to come back.
Congrats on a new job. As for the books I will have to share them with my dad who who would enjoy them. The TV Show with my husband who is looking for a new show to watch.
I’m sure you Dad would enjoy them; they’re definitely a guy thing!…(“,)
I’ve been watching I Am The Night too! It’s so intriguing. I can’t stop watching.
I hope you have a wonderful birthday!
Thanks for the birthday wishes. And “I Am the Night” is certainly intriguing, Though I had heard about that murder for years, the series led me to do dome in-depth research on it, which is so simple in this internet age.
I am definitely glad that you found a job that you like. It takes a great person to quit two jobs because they weren’t the right fit.
Happy UPCOMING birthday!!!! After I turned 30, I never got older 😉 hahahaha!
Life truly doesn’t get fascinating until you reach the Big 4 Oh. That’s when some of the best years of my life began, believe it, or not.
Happy Birthday! Congrats on the new job. It’s great to hear that the third job was the charm.
I have not read the James Bonds books but have enjoyed the movies . Hope the road leads you to where you want to be.
I hope you have an amazing birthday ahead of you! I love the idea of adding seconds rather than years that is so much fun!
It really was interesting to do the math and figure out my number of seconds.
Third time is always a charm, right? I’m glad you found a job where you are happy. That’s the important thing. Happy Birthday!
Thanks, Nancy.
I’m afraid to figure out how many seconds I’ve been alive. That number would be ginormous.
It’s not really that big a deal, Heather. It’s just a large number when compared to the years, but it means the same amount of time, just put in a different way.
Yea for the job! I love reading, especially the older I get it is my time!
Congratulations for landing another job. Having an atmosphere with support from the management is really great since you’ll have better communication and it’s faster to get projects and ideas approved.
I’ve never calculated my birth in seconds, and now I am wanting to do this so badly that I am going to shorten my comment and go do it.
A little tip. When you do your calculations, remember to take the Leap Years into consideration for that adds an extra 86,300 seconds into your age.
It is great to hear that you found a job that you like. Better pay is good too. Congratulations on reading all the bond books. I love to read too. I am constantly getting new books from our library. Luckily there are quite a few libraries network so I am able to get books from any one of them sent to my local library.
Congrats on your new job I just start mine week ago. It was kinda stressful for a while but it will get better. hey for your upcoming birthday hope you have a blast.
Happy almost Birthday!! I just celebrated birthday #36 and I sure don’t feel it, I think age is just a number! LOL!
I am so glad that you finished reading your James Bond book collection. I am happy that you liked it. I think it’s a great idea for my son to read it before watching the movies!
Sorry to hear the jobs didn’t work out. Happy early birthday though! Isn’t it crazy how the time flies. I just can’t believe February will be over next week already.
I’m watching I Am The Night too. It is a true murder story I don’t know much about.