And here we go again, y’all; I’m back! I’ve been very remiss in sharing blogging duties with Lynndee as of late. However, I had a good excuse seeing that I had taken a job.
It was back in February that I shared that fact. Ironically, what I shared there about getting jobs with landmark organizations who turned out not being what I expected them to be has came true not one, but two more times! I may seem picky but… when I’m told it’s a part-time job and it turns out to be a job working 6 days in a row on a constant basis you can’t help but understand a change had to be made.
But then, the next job was little better schedule wise, leaving me little time for family life or recreation time. But even more ironic, that last job led me to discover my newest job, just by chatting with a customer making their way through the store. Thus, I now find myself on my 5th job in the last 6 months. But this one truly seems to fit the bill, giving me some added income without tying me down in an all-work-but-no-play situation. In the past two weeks I’ve had a schedule of working 3 days the first week followed by just two the next. Those next two jobs I had were also with well-known organizations, so they’ll remain unnamed. As for my newest one, I’ll share more info on that one at a later time, and I’m sure you’ll find the story behind it as fascinating as I have, for it’s doing something I’ve never done before.

Those of you who follow me and Lynndee already know what a reader and book lover I am, thanks to the legacy of my late mother and the simple gift she gave me. Just in the past three weeks, I rediscovered a part of my life I’ve ignored as of late, that of reading books about true historical events, especially regarding WWII. What brought that on was the 75th anniversary celebration of D-Day, June 6, 1944. That prompted me to dig out an old friend of mine, The Longest Day, a book written by the late Cornelius Ryan. The original copy I had has been long gone, totally worn out from the number of readings it experienced, a mass market paperback that my Dad bought me when I was 9-years-old, which I wanted so bad when I saw it because I had just seen the movie based on the book.
Well, after watching all the TV coverage of the anniversary, I had to reread the book, which I did – a copy I’d bought my son to do a school report – and then watched the movie for about the 100th time. Both exist in the relam of par excellence. Ryan, who was a WWII journalist, wrote The Longest Day after a trip to Normandy in 1949, doing over 1000 interviews with Allies, Germans and French civilians who survived that fateful day. He also helped write the screenplay for the movie. Ryan also wrote The Last Battle, telling the story of the battle of Berlin and its effects on the world of later years. And his final work, A Bridge Too Far, he completed while fighting his last battle against prostate cancer, which took his life just two months after publication of this last, great work. But even then, he wasn’t finished for his wife wrote and published A Private Battle, using notes he’d secretly left behind for that purpose, to tell the world, and his family, the story of his final battle with the disease. So his name was actually included as the author of one final work after his death.
Just like my wifey told in her last Currently post, I’m watching Dead to Me on Netflix. But I’ve also discovered a syndication run of The New Twilight Zone. It was redone in the 80s, twenty years after the original show left the air. Though not Rod Serling, there are some great episodes, especially ones written by one of my all-time favorite authors, Harlan Ellison.
Also on my current list of must-watch shows is Murphy Brown and Becker, both series that I missed the first time around, so I’m catching up on all that I’ve missed. Also, my Atlanta Braves games, which I’ve been missing because of my screwed up work schedule, are back on the list, and they’re having a fantastic year, so I’ve got that to continue looking forward to.

A return to the golf course. I actually managed to get in one round early this year, back in the summer-like days of February. Still, that’s the only time I’ve played this year and I’m ready to get the kinks out of my swing and hit ’em long and straight again. So that’s next on my agenda, after getting all my yard work and mowing done, that is. But the #1 thing I look forward to is my daughter’s return home from the hospital after the birth of her first child, a son, who is my first grandchild. So I guess you can say that I truly am an ol’man now. Oh well, I still feel like a teenager and that’s all that counts. So…see y’all on the golf course!
Glad you finally found the right job for you. My husband would love to read that book. I need to get it for him before our vacation in late July.
Definitely a good read. ‘Twas published in 1959 yet is one of the most up-close-and-personal descriptions of the event. It has more to do with the individuals and their experiences rather than the actual battle.
We love to golf. It looks like the perfect day. Working from home has its advantages.
aww this is awesome my friend. working at home is def a huge advantage and this is one of them especially for you and golfing! Enjoy!
It’s nice that you’re revisiting some old favorites. The book sounds very good and it’s interesting hearing some of the history behind it.
Have fun on the golf course! My husband likes golfing but I never got into it.
I have Dead To Me on my list to watch!
We have had so much rain in the midwest that it is hard to get out and play golf. Plus, most of our courses are requiring 18 holes. That’s hard to fit in.
We’ve had a lot of rain here too, recently, but now all is dry. My courses don’t require 18 and I often just play 9.
I LOVE WWII books and I haven’t read this one yet. I need to check it out, thanks for the rec!
Interesting that you haven’t read that one. It’s been around for 60-years. You may have possibly seen the movie; It’s constantly rerun on cable. But I got to see it on the big screen back in the day of its original release. And that certainly dates me…(“,)
Congratulations on the birth of your first grandchild. That sounds like an amazing time for you. When my daughter gets married and has a baby, I know it is going to be amazing. I hope this baby brings you all of the joy in the world!
That sounds like an interesting book. I’m always up for new books to read. I’ve been looking for something interesting lately too. I just picked up reading again over the summer.
My hubby is a fan of history and WWII books and documentaries. I’ll share. I’ve read Dead To Me is supposed to be really good. I’m going to have to try watching it again. Maybe I didn’t give it enough time?
I have just started getting into non-fiction. I just feel like there are so many things to learn about.
Ahh, glad you finally found a job you like and pays well. I hope you can go back to playing golf soon!
My husband is obsessed with war books and movies. I’ll definitely share this post with him. Congrats on the new baby too!!
How exciting that you are a grandparent now! I’m glad you found a job that suits your schedule.
Congratulations on the birth of your grandson! I am so happy for you. I am on my way to Iowa to visit my grandsons. The youngest is almost 3 months old and will be baptized this Sunday. I just finished watching Dead to Me. Looking forward to the next season.
Love reading your blog.
So, you have grandsons, as in the plural. You got a head start on me. Thanks for following our blog, I’m glad you like it. Go well and travel safe on your journey.
This is a great post! I think my friends will like this post a lot. Thanks for the tips.
You’re welcome, Heather…(“,)
finally you find job that you like. I love to read books, but lately I am not doing. Congrats on your first grand child.
Dead To Me was my binge watch last weekend and it was so well done. Have a blast on the golf course this weekend.
I absolutely loved Dead to Me. It’s quirky and addicting all at the same time!