There’s already been some chill in the air in the early mornings here in our neck of the woods which shows that summer isn’t in total control. Can you believe that? Anyhoo, it’s time for another Currently post.

If you are following me on Instagram, you must have seen this photo already. Like I said there, this is how “much” the Mister loves onion rings. We grabbed a bite in the middle of shopping last week because we got a little hungry. This onion ring was big and it was good too.
To…Knockin’ Boots by Luke Bryan.
Luke Bryan has a lot of songs that I really like. This is his latest single and I really like the beat of this song. It’s one of those songs that doesn’t only make you sing along, it makes you want to dance too. You know what I mean? 🙂
Secret Obsession on Netflix.
Actually, we’re not “currently” watching it, but we watched it over the weekend. A blogger recommended it on Instagram and since the Hubs and I both enjoy watching a thriller, we watched it and it was good. Have you seen it?
Pancit Bihon or Filipino Rice Noodles.

Pancit Bihon is one of the most popular Filipino dishes. A friend prepared some last week and it had me craving after she posted a picture on Facebook so, I prepared it over the weekend too. So yummy! Click the link to get the recipe.
BH90210 on Fox.
Beverly Hills 90210 was one of the shows that I watched religiously back in the 90’s and I couldn’t be more excited when I found out about the reboot which will start airing in August. I have seen the trailer and I am so looking forward to watching it. I do wonder if the Hubs will watch it with me. He said he never watched it back then so that remains to be seen.
How about you? Any ‘Currently’ you want to share?
I have not heard of this Netflix show and I think I need to find it and watch it. It sounds like something I would love.
I’m a big fan of onion rings and that one is making me crave them. I can’t think of any currently I’ve had or even do have coming up to share. My life is boring compared to yours :).
yes i love this ha- def love luke’s new song and i always play it around in my car and cleaning 🙂
I watched Secret Obsession last week as well, it was definitely an interesting film, full of twists and turns. I am loving the look of those noodles as well yum!
Oh my gosh, those noodles look so good! I need to try these.
I don’t think I’ll be watching Beverly Hills, 90210. I didn’t like it the first round. Now, if they came back with Dawson’s Creek, I’d be all for it!
Wishing the same about Dawson’s Creek. Loved that show too!
The filipino rice noodles looks so yummy. I would love to give the recipe a try.
Secret obsession? I don’t think I’ve watched that one yet. I’ll have to check it out.
I really like a lot of Luke Bryan songs too. They’re just so darn catchy.
It sounds like you are really enjoying the beautiful days of summer. Here in California it’s been hot, hot, hot! Please send some of that cool air you’ve been having down this way!
That onion ring looks really good! So crispy and mouthwatering! A must try one!
I haven’t seen Secret Obsession yet. That is one my list of shows to watch though. I haven’t been able to keep up with many shows this summer, but once school starts up again, that is usually when I’m able to watch shows again. I can’t wait to see this one!
That really looks delicious I love crispy onion rings that such a perfect movie snack. yummy!!
I watched it too! I do not really like watching suspense/thriller but I was so curious about this when I saw the trailer.
I am also a major fan of onion rings…and that one looks delish! ALso, haven’t seen that Netflix series, but am catching up now on Orange is the New Black now to be able to watch the final season of it!
Lynn, I love Pancit and onion rings! This post makes me hungry!
Babushka apparently lives a very sheltered life. Never tried nor heard of those celebrities or dishes. Except for BH90210. BB remembers hearing about that one years ago…