We survived the first week of school. Yeah! Our revamped back-to-school routine sure works for us. But as per my son, it felt like he has been in school for a month already. LOL. He is taking Carpentry class this semester and the first week called for a lot of physical work which he was kind of not ready for so, he had aches and pains the whole week. My poor boy! But he’ll get used to it sooner or later.

I took this photo of these sycamore trees last week on our way to the grocery store. This is one of my favorite spots here in Asheville. This road is lined with trees and while it’s a residential area to the left, it’s a lake on the right called Beaver Lake which you get to enjoy looking while driving on this road.
The sycamore trees usually change color early, even before fall begins. By the time fall starts, all of their leaves have already fallen. So seeing them looking a little yellowish already makes you realize that fall is right around the corner. And I used no filter on this picture.
To… God’s Country by Blake Shelton
I’ve seen the video of this song a few times on CMT, but it’s not until Blake Shelton sang it live on CMT Awards that I really got to enjoy it. Such a great song.
Have you listened to this song?
What Would You Do? on ABC
I have watched some episodes before, and lately, I binge watched it on On Demand. Having lived here in America and been treated with rudeness and meanness, I can really relate to some of the scenarios shown on the show. I admire people who stood up for the “victims” and it’s sad when people side with the rude and mean ones. But then again, they sided with those toxic individuals because they are toxic themselves.
Have you watched this show?
White Short Sleeve T-shirt and Black Shorts
This has been my uniform lately when the Hubs and I go shopping for groceries and other stuff. The Hubs bought me new Universal Thread t-shirts from Target and I love them. I’ll for sure wear them until the summer is over or perhaps in the fall too under a cardigan.
What’s your go-to outfit?
Kind Simple Crunch Bar
I’ve seen a few bloggers recommending this bar and, boy, it’s delicious! Even my son and husband love it. My son always takes a bar for his snack at school and my husband takes some for a snack at work.
Have you tried this bar before?

My birthday!
I’m going to be a year older next month and I’m so looking forward to it. Age is just a number for me and I consider celebrating another year of my life a blessing.
How about you? Any ‘Currently’ you want to share?
I really like Kind bars and I need to stock up again. I’ll be wearing shorts and tees for a least another month here in SC.
I love “what would you do?” I keep hoping I’ll be on the show one day as one of the heroes!!
I have never been a country fan but Blake Shelton has a great voice and that song was good listening. Good luck our school year starts after Labor Day.
I LOVE watching What Would You Do! I would hope I’d speak up, but I live in Texas, and people carry guns, so I’d be slightly worried.
I saw a commercial for What Would You Do, but I haven’t seen it. I need to go see if it’s on demand.
This reminds me that I need to restock up on Kind Bars. Currently reading Michelle Obama’s book.
I wish that I had television (no cable/satellite) but then again it is just a distraction to me. I do miss watching my crime shows and HGTV though. I’ve told my kids that I might get cable or faster internet (satellite bc that is all that is offered besides my crappy DSL). Adulting decisions suck at times. But I feel incredibly blessed considering my situation. I’ll have to listen to Blake Shelton’s new song.
I’m just down the road in Spartanburg and my twin grandkids started school last week as well. This is their first year (4k) so it’s been a huge change for all of us. I miss them not being around during the day, but my daughter is loving life at the moment LOL!
I love Country music and “God’s Country” by Blake Shelton is one of my favs right now! Here in south Georgia we will be wearing shorts and tees for a couple more months at least.
I have seen What Would You Do several times. Sometimes peoples’ reactions really shock me.
I love what would you do! Most days I feel like I’m on the show. Currently looking forward to starting my job next week! Hope you have a great birthday!!
Thank you, Monica. Wishing you the best on your new job.
I gotta listen to that song love Blake. I have been trying to get a hold of my schedule that I thought I had together when school started.
I’m a huge fan of Kind bars and hadn’t heard of this dark chocolate and oats bar. I’ll be looking for this online tonight! Thanks.
“God’s Country” by Blake Shelton is really a heartwarming song. your birthday is coming really soon. Hope you will have a blast!
I hope so too. 🙂 Thank you, Chef Dennis.
Sounds like your son is getting his hands full. I think he’s going to do a lot of great things. By the way, I love that chocolate bar too.
“What would you do”..this is really a great movie. And that Crunch bar looks really delicious! I can’t wait to have this.
I haven’t tried out KIND’s Simple Crunch Bars yet. I have always loved their protein bars, so I’ll definitely have to keep these in mind the next time I’m at the grocery store.
On our old house we used to have a Sycamore Tree they said it control the flood perfect for the states who gets a lot of rain. One thing I don’t like much though the falling leaves a lot even its not Fall season yet. But they are pretty though.
KIND bars are my staple go to snacks. I don’t feel guilty eating these, and they help those sweet cravings too.