…who went to high school. And that young man was me. What prompted this statement was the post my Wifey Lynndee shared here just the other day, regarding our son’s return to school. He’s starting the 11th grade and I couldn’t help but remember my 11th grade year which was my most favorite year in high school. Though my senior year was just as good, it was in my junior year that I began to discover the personality I was to become.
Up to that point in time, I’d been a rather introverted individual, terribly shy and totally unassuming about my place in the world. But right at the end of the 10th grade, after attending the yearly spring concert of the high school band, I’d been inspired to take band, for I already had a love of music which began with my Mama buying me my first guitar when I was 13-years-old. By then, I’d already taught myself to read music and play rather decently. So jumping into the world of organized music wasn’t too much of a daunting task; I fit right in.

I began in the final couple of weeks of my sophomore year. Unfortunately, the band director and his wife, who taught chorus – which I also joined – did not have their contracts renewed. I never found out for sure what that was all about though I heard rumors it was political leftovers from the Red Scare era. That being so, we had a new band director, just graduated from college. Thus, I began my musical career with one beginning her teaching career. And though my career ended with my graduation, hers continued long afterwards; she even became my daughter’s band director quite a few years down the road.

But being in the band gave me so much new confidence. Not only was that the year I got my driver’s license, I also got my first job. Later in the year, I turned 17 and things just got better. There was the yearly band trip to Wilmington, NC, to march in The Azalea Festival; all the football games the band marched in; the parades we marched in – Labor Day and Christmas; the pep band attendance to all the basketball games; the performances of the newly formed stage band where I was the guitarist; and certainly not to forget, the Christmas and Spring concerts of the Concert Band.

Yeah, that’s the year I took wing and began to fly, taking me on the amazing journey that my life has been. So many other things happened that year that I can hardly remember them all, but it was one of the best years of my life. All thanks to the liberating language of music that freed my persona from the chains of unsureness. And now it’s my son’s turn and I hope he will find this year as liberating as I did as he takes his first steps into the world of manhood.
aww this is such a great story- i love hearing about this and so music is passed on to your son! hope it gives im as much joy and liberation as it did you
I remember my years in Band class. They were challenging and a lot of fun. Band allowed kids who would usually wouldn’t hang out to some together and make music.
This is a wonderful piece. I really enjoyed learning about all of this.
So awesome. I always love when people play music. I wish I could so I admire those who do.
My husband also felt band ( and basketball!) opened his world in high school. He was the drummer for jazz band, swing band, and marching band. He hasn’t stopped either, he’s drummed continuously from 1972 to the present.
Loved hearing your story. Music can be such a powerful force in the world and in peoples lives.
This is a fun story. I am glad that music gave you a voice, so to speak.
This is amazing. I come from a musical family but, wish I could play an instrument. I love to see those who do though.
Thank you for sharing a part of your life with us. It’s really heartwarming and inspiring to hear stories like this one.
It is nice to go back and one more time cherish such moments. I love the pictures quite a classic. This makes me remember the younger version of me as well.
Music has always been so important to me. I started band as soon as I could (5th grade) and gave it up when I left school as a Junior.
I really loved reading this story. Love seeing all those photos as well! I wish I would have been in band, but I never was in school.
I honestly love how being in the band can boost confidence and help kids excel in skills and talent. I thank you for sharing this story, it really was a wonderful read and neat little peek into your past.
It was interesting to read about your band experience. Most of my kids were involved in band or orchestra and had a similar experience.
This is such a sweet, heartfelt post. I grew up playing the piano and now I want to expose my own kids to musical instruments too!
This is a wonderful story. Music is very important to me. I played instruments and was a singer in a band too.
I played in Symphonic, Marching and Jazz band in High School, and then with the college Jazz band. Now my son is in Junior High Band. My heart melts every concert I’ve gone to