When Trader Joe’s opened here in Asheville a few year’s ago, it wasn’t a really big deal for me because we already had a couple of grocery stores we regularly shopped at, the local stores my husband had used for years before we got together. But, I wasn’t aware of the numerous special items that Trader Joe’s had to offer. Then we started to receive their flyers in the mail. What I noticed immediately was the uniqueness of the products that they offered. We checked them out and tried a few items out of curiosity, but what really stood out and became our favorites were these following products.

Miso Instant Ramen Soup
Eating instant noodles is common in my home country, the Philippines, or I guess I should say, in Asia as a whole. You could find different brands and flavors of instant noodles in our grocery aisles over there. I know it’s not the healthiest, but it is okay to have them for as long as you eat them in moderation, right? 🙂
I have seen instant noodles here in the U.S. too and have tried them before, but they are not as good as this one from Trader Joe’s.

I have always enjoyed a good miso soup. I first tried it an a Japanese restaurant in my hometown when we took my husband, who was still my fiance’ then, for a farewell dinner before he went back to the U.S.
This Miso Ramen Soup is new to me too because we don’t have this instant ramen flavor in the Philippines.
Chicken Ramen Soup
The most common flavors of instant noodles that you see in the Philippines are beef and chicken. But there is something in this Chicken Ramen Soup from Trader Joe’s that is really special.

I first saw this online while I was browsing on Google. So glad I came across them. This is just a delicious comfort food that is so hard to pass up.
Everything but the Bagel Sesame Seasoning Blend
I have already shared about this seasoning before which is my favorite to use in one of my favorite breakfast meals, Sunny-Side-Up Egg with Baby Spinach and Arugula. My picky son loves this seasoning and this is what I always use when I cook him his favorite sunny-side-up eggs.

We went there last week and saw all the pumpkin flavored goodies. There were a lot I didn’t know which one to grab and try first. Trader Joe’s didn’t pay me to blog about this, by the way. Just want to share. 🙂
Do you love shopping at Trader Joe’s? What are your favorites there?
I love Trader Joe’s. I have to drive to Charlotte to shop at one since we don’t have one in my small town. But it only takes about 50 minutes to get there. And it’s worth it.
We don’t have a Trader Joe’s in our area, but I have heard that it is great! I need to get me some of that Everything But the Bagel!
Those are pretty nice signature items. I heard they have lots of amazing stuff to offer. Trader Joe is great.
Yes, I’m a fan of Trader Joe’s, too! The nearest one to my home is about 25 minutes away and I’m hearing rumors of one being built about 10 minutes away – can’t wait!
Yum, thank you! I love going to Trader Joe’s. I’ll have to try the ramen. I did pick up that everything seasoning. I can’t wait to try it!
I have been hearing good things about Trader Joes, but I haven’t been to one myself yet. I’ll have to check and see if we have some. With all of the new businesses popping up each month I think we should by now.
We don’t have a Trader Joes nearby, but there is one about an hour from my house. When we are in the area, I always stop because they have such great finds there. I haven’t tried the ramen, but I’ll be sure to grab some to try next time we’re there.
I love shopping at Trader Joes, I need to go look for that insta soup, I love that seasoning too
Instant Ramen Soup! It’s something I would like for dinner tonight!
I haven’t been to Trader Joe’s yet. The instant ramen sounds delicious. My kids love that stuff. I do try to limit the amount of ramen they eat because it isn’t the healthiest meal. But it is perfect when they are sick.
I haven’t been to any branch but I’m already sure I’d love their products. Their Instagram posts look so engaging and informative.
I’ve never shopped at Trader Joe’s yet. That everything but the bagel seasoning looks interesting. I wonder what else I could use it on.
Trader Joe’s has a lot of awesome stuff, which is why I also enjoy going there. I think that bagel sesame blend is great to have at home!
I am seriously obsessed with Trader Joes. I go every single week without fail. Even when I travel.