Hello October! We’re on to the 4th week of this month and the leaves have barely change color. There are only a few with color and there is still a lot of green. Last year, the fall foliage reached its peak on the second week of October. They said it’s delayed this year because of the weather. But I’ve heard that the higher elevations like on the Blue Ridge Parkway have beautiful colors already. So soon enough, we’ll get ours here. Can’t wait for that to happen.
To…We Are The World by U.S.A. for Africa
For me, this is definitely one of the best songs of all time. I haven’t listened to it in a while until I saw it on Facebook yesterday. A friend of mine shared it. 80’s is my favorite era of music and this is one of my absolute favorite songs ever.
Watching the video again took me back to the 80’s. Gotta love the hairdos and the outfits. 🙂
Christmas Movies on Lifetime.
I know! It’s not even Halloween yet, and here I am watching Christmas movies already. Haha. What can I say? I just love them.
I thought their Christmas movies would start later this month, though, just like Hallmark Channel so it was a surprise for me when I checked the channel last week and saw Christmas movies playing. Can you imagine the delight on my face?
I watched Every Day is Christmas which stars Toni Braxton. I’ve never seen her in a movie before. The film was inspired by the Charles Dickens classic A Christmas Carol, and I think it was filmed in Atlanta which is one of our favorite places to visit.
It’s that time of year. I finally ditched my shorts and tanks and busted out my pajamas from the dresser. I’m not complaining, though. They’re cozy and they’re definitely the perfect outfit to wear while I’m watching Christmas movies.
Asian Rice Bowl.
I have already shared this photo on Instagram so you may have seen this already if you’re following me there. I’m not literally eating it currently. This is the first time that I’ve tried this rice bowl from my favorite Asian restaurant here in the city so I want to share it here. I had to pick it instead because they didn’t have my favorite Tofu Fried Rice. This was a takeout and it was good too. It had sweet soy, mayo, chili oil, roasted eggplant, pickles, peanuts, kimchi and tofu.

Looking Forward To…
Leaf peeping.
I guess the fall foliage will reach its peak before the month ends. So while the leaves are taking their own sweet time to change their color, I’ll just be here patiently waiting. Patience is a virtue after all. 🙂

Currently 2019 Series
- Currently…(January 2019) Wifey Edition
- Currently… (February 2019) Hubby Edition
- Currently…(March 2019) Wifey Edition
- Currently…(April 2019) Wifey Edition
- Currently…(May 2019) Wifey Edition
- Currently…(June 2019) Wifey Edition
- Currently…(June 2019) Hubby Edition
- Currently… (July 2019) Wifey Edition
- Currently…(August 2019) Wifey Edition
- Currently…(September 2019) Wifey Edition
How about you? Any ‘Currently’ you want to share?
I love Christmas movies. I start November 1, though, because right now I have Hocus Pocus on repeat.
I love Hocus Focus too. I will have to find it on cable and record on our DVR.
I’m looking forward to the peak of color too. Our neighborhood has beautiful Autumn Blaze trees that are just turning.
I remember when this song came out it was so beautiful so see everyone unified it really showed the world that we are all the same regardless of the color of our skin or where we come from.
I am currently looking forward to taking my grandkids to their first Trunk or Treat next week. I love seeing new things through their eyes and I know they will have a lot of fun.
Yum, that Asian rice bowl looks tasty!
Also, I’ve always liked We Are The World. Such a catchy tune.
I remember when the We are the World song came out. My mom drove two hours to participate in the Hands Across America. I was young but remember going with her.
I wish the leaves would change here. I’m ready to go take some photos.
Sadly leaf peeping is coming to a fast close where we live but it was beautiful while it lasted. And Christmas movies and music? I just can’t, yet.
Christmas 24 has just gone live over here and you have reminded me to check it out to see what is on as they often have some amazing movies! Thank you.
That Asian rice bowl looks really good! And I can’t believe anywhere is playing Christmas movies yet!
I am trying not to get into Christmas movies yet because if I do then I will want to start decorating lol. Trying to hold out for as long as I can
I love that song “We are the World”. It always gives me goosebumps. A perfect heartwarming song. And that Asian Rice bowl is making me definitely hungry!
Looks like a cozy list of stuff you’re into. I love watching Christmas shows/movies too. Very much excited for the holidays.
We’re hoping to take our annual BlueRidge Pky trip in the next week or so, but the weatherman says they won’t be as good as years past because it’s been so dry.
I do like Lifetime too but I have to admit I prefer the suspense movies. Sometimes the Christmas movies are good too though.
I love watching Christmas movies on Lifetime as well. I don’t have the channel anymore though sadly. I just have to borrow them from the library and I’m still able to see them.
The leafs here just turned and they look amazing. I am also ready for some cozy pajamas and movies.
The Asian rice bowl looks so good! I love tofu. I am sure it tasted really good!
I’m joining you on watching all the movies on Lifetime! So relaxing and so much fun!
Yes! High-five! 😉
Food looks delicious, here is no leaf coloring changing. I miss my stay in Utah where I can see that.