And I’m not speaking of the coming of that cool Fall weather but of the goosebumps brought on by the aura of this month’s famous celebration, Halloween.

As a kid, I grew up watching all those famous classic horror movies such as Frankenstein, Dracula, The Wolf Man, The Mummy, The Invisible Man, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Psycho, The Birds and The Thing from Another World, just to name a few.
But then came my teenage and young adult years, bringing on even more graphic and scary movies such as The Night of the Living Dead, The Omen, The Exorcist, Alien, Silence of the Lambs, Carrie, The Dead Zone and remakes of those 50s classics, The Thing, for The Thing from Another World and a gruesome version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
I, however, never got wrapped up in those serial slasher films featuring Michael Myers and Freddy Krueger, Halloween and A Nightmare on Elm Street. Those dwelt more on the gore factor as opposed to any true plot or drama. That’s why I always looked forward to any movie based upon a Steven King book, one of my all-time favorite authors. There’s been about fifty movies based on his books as well as many television works. At times, I’ve found them disappointing, especially the Jack Nicholson version of The Shining. But the miniseries based on the same book was outstanding.
Another great miniseries was The Stand, one of my most favorite King books. Other King movies on my all-time fave list are Carrie, Creepshow, The Dead Zone, Firestarter, The Shawshank Redemption, and The Green Mile. Though creepy and at times gruesome, these movies pretty well stick to the original plot and delve into character development and drama in the same way that King wrote the stories.
Another of my favorite King books was It, truly a coming of age as well as a loss of innocence saga. There was a good miniseries based on this work back in 1990. But it wasn’t until 2017 that a big screen version was produced. And it was absolutely awesome. Thing is, there was a trick to it: it was a cliffhanger! For those who read the book, they’ll definitely want to see the sequel. And it was just released, so it’s on my Halloween bucket list. That will be my treat this year. It remains to be seen how sweet it will be.
i love this so much- im actually not a huge fan of scary movies but husband loves all the ones you mentioned 🙂
I never saw the Stand miniseries, but I read the book and it was phenomenal! I loved it.
My daughter LOVES scary movies. She’s braver than I am. She loved the IT movies. I’ve always liked Carrie.
I’m not the biggest fan of real scary movies. But my kiddos do love watching them.
I was always afraid to watch scary movies so I’ve only seen The Birds and Frankenstein, lol. Even now that I’m older, I am still afraid – ha! Now my hubs, I’m sure he’s seen all of the movies listed here!
I’ve never been a huge Halloween movie fan. I’ll watch scary movies but they aren’t my favorite. I’d rather watch Disney movies with my babies.
I love watching horror movies, especially around Halloween. A Nightmare on Elm Street will always be my personal favorite.
I can’t really watch scary movies so I do not really want Halloween to come. lol! I enjoy the cute kids treat and costumes though.
I love watching scary movies as well. I have always loved it ever since I was a child. Halloween has always been my favorite day of the year. I really love spooky things.
We like Halloween but we stick to more cutesy stuff like black cats and orange pumpkins lol. My youngest one is a bit scared of the really scary figurines and stuff.
Thanks for sharing this with us! I put some of these titles in my must watch shows!
I have have been watching horror movies this month! I must watch those scary movies you listed above too!
I love Halloween! But I am not really a great fan of scary movies. Yes, I could watch a little but closes my eyes when something scary will come out!
By any chance, have you watched Haunting of Hill House? Normally I can’t watch scary movies, but this one caught my attention somehow. Maybe because it had a storyline that felt more like a drama. Highly recommended!
Yes is it is season of chills, I haven’t watched Horror movie while growing up. My hubby is fan of Horror movies, I watches with him occasionally. I may watch few movies before Halloween.
I’m not typically a horror movie person. I haven’t even read any of the S.King books yet.