I was so looking forward to leaf peeping this year. Thing is, the fall foliage was not as beautiful as my previous years here. And that was because of the dry weather, the lack of rain and the continuing warm weather that we had as per our local meteorologist. But even though it was not as beautiful as it was in my previous years of enjoying the changing of the season, I was still glad to see some colors for the changing of the colors has been totally new to me seeing that I came from a tropical country where the weather is like a perpetual summer.

One day last week after hitting the grocery store, Hubby said we’re going to take the scenic route. That’s what he always say when he takes the back roads instead of the interstate.
We’ve been on this road before…the road less traveled, so to speak. There was not much traffic and we got to enjoy some beautiful colors. It feels like we’re in the country whenever we take this route. And while driving there, it then makes me think of the song…
Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong …

The fall foliage had already reached its peak and now the leaves are starting to turn brown. Some of them are already brown actually and some of the trees are already bald.

I loved the colors of yellow and the orange on this part. I did see some red too, but I didn’t get a good picture of it. And as you can see, there was still a lot of green in some areas and this was only a few days before the foliage reached its peak.
To see the beauty of the fall foliage from the previous years, check the posts below.
- Autumn in Asheville
- One Bright, Pleasant Autumn Day at Lake Louise
- She Fell In Love with Fall
- A Beautiful Autumn Day
Did you do some leaf peeping this year?
The fall foliage is so pretty right now! Love the leaves all over Ontario too. We are lucky to live in areas of the world where this is an actual thing – 4 seasons. Sometimes I think we take that for granted.
The colors are so nice before they turn brown and then we have to clean them up. Autumn is a nice time of year and the colors are worth a nice drive to see.
i totally agree ha- we werent able to get to do that this year bc i felt like chicago went from fall for 2 days to winter with snow this past weekend!
Fall is my absolute favorite time of year. There is nothing I find more invigorating then a long hike or drive on a beautiful fall day. What a beautiful, breathtaking backdrop those blazing trees make!
So gorgeous! I just love fall colors. I wish Texas had more of them, but alas, I think it’s too warm here.
My husband has literally set his Siri maps to avoid all highways! It takes up forever to get anywhere. So we use his when we’re just taking a drive and mine when we need to get shit done.
All of your photos are stunning. I did not do much leave peeking this year.
We usually ride the Blue RIdge Parkway and look at leaves this time of the year. We have not made it so far, and I wonder if it is too late.
I love to take the scenic route this time of year just to check out the beautiful autumn colors. I’ve been trying to get my husband to drive me through the upper peninsula of Michigan lately, but I’m afraid we might have already missed fall’s peak there.
Wow this drive looks amazing, i love the fall colours they are the best. so excited fro some snow now!
I’m glad you got to see some fall foliage this year. I usually prefer the scenic route too.
I still think it’s gorgeous! How I wish they stay that way always. Pretty relaxing view
That’s lovely. This is one of the things that I look forward to during the Fall. The colors will always be amazing.
It still looks very pretty! The same happened here in Cleveland. I love the changing leaves but not the cold weather it brings.
I love taking the scenic routes too. It’s so much more beautiful. I think it makes time go quicker too when you actually get to look outdoors at all the scenery.
Isn’t driving around in the fall so fun? I can just spend hours on the road when it is this beautiful.
It is so fun indeed, Rachel. And that’s exactly why fall is my favorite season. The foliage is just so beautiful. 🙂
So beautiful! We don’t’ have anything like this in San Diego! I love fall foliage!
This is such a beautiful view! This is the many reasons I love Fall!
It almost seems like we missed fall this year. Almost all our trees are bare – and I didn’t see the typical leaf colors that I’m use to.