I am and have always been a morning person. I’m up early and I’m in bed early too. My alarm is set at 6:30 AM but more often than not, my eyes open at 5:00 AM. But I continue to stay in bed and play my favorite app until the alarm goes off.
My bedtime is usually at 9 o’clock but there are times that I’m already in bed by 8 o’clock. And when that happens, I would often hear my husband say “You’re already in bed?” 🙂
That’s the thing that we don’t have in common because he is a night owl and he says, he has always been. And it looks like our son is a night owl too. But then again, he is a teenage boy and he always stays up late either playing online games or chatting with his friends online or watching a movie or videos on YouTube.
There were times, especially during the weekend, that we would watch a movie and I end up falling asleep on the couch. But I must say that there were a few times too that I was able to finish what we were watching even though it was already 10 o’clock in the evening. And we would often joke about it that it was a miracle I didn’t doze off. LOL.
I try my best to stay up to finish watching specific shows too that happens only once a year like the Super Bowl, the World Series and the Miss Universe pageant.
Even back when I was still in the Philippines, when I’d go out with my girlfriends, we didn’t stay out until the wee hours of the morning. We would be home before midnight and still have a great time.
I love to have a good amount of sleep every night. For me at least 7 hours is fine. And if I sleep more than that, which could only happen during weekends, all the better. Yes, I sleep in during the weekends and it’s glorious.
How about you?
melissa chapman says
Your schedule is much like mine early to bed and up by 6. My son makes fun of us but it works for us.
Amber Myers says
I am a night owl. I am never quite with it in the mornings. By the night my caffeine has kicked in, so I’m much more pleasant to be around.
Tasheena says
I’m a morning person, I think I’ve just always been this way. I’m typically in the bed pretty early though.
Christy Irene says
I am definitely a morning person. I love that hour in the morning when the house is quiet and I can reflect and mentally prepare for my day.
Brit Strawbridge says
I used to be a night owl before I had kids…but quickly realized the kids will wake up at 6 am whether I stay up late or not… so now, by force, I have to be an early bird.
Lisa Martin says
I;m a night owl for sure! With my 5 month old who has yet to go more than 3 hours without sleeping I am craving a full 6 or 7 hours.
Catalina says
I am a definitely a night owl! I love to work at night when you have a lot of silence around you!
Chef Dennis says
I am definitely a morning person! I really love seeing the sunrise and starting the day early and with big wide smile.
Jenn @ EngineerMommy says
Honestly it varies by the day for me lol. HOwever, overall I would say I’m more of a night person. I can stay up late pretty easily.
Rosemary says
I’m a morning person and I love the idea of getting my day going as soon as I get up. I don’t go to bed as early as you – 11 pm for me, but I still function well with a 6:30/7 am wake up.
Tiffany La Forge-Grau says
I used to be a morning person. In my early twenties though that changed. I am up until the wee hours of the night anymore.
Amy H says
So I’m a night owl, who’s forced to be a morning person because of kids.
rika says
I am not a morning person. I have to admit that it’s hard to wake up every morning 🙂
Lizzie Lau says
I’m both and I suffer because of it. I stay up too late and I wake up too early. I don’t know why but it doesn’t seem to make a difference when I go to sleep, I wake up after 6 hours.
Barbies Beauty Bits says
I used to be an early bird, I sleep until 9 AM, now and work later hours. In the winter did not like, happy Spring forward is here.
Victoria says
I can be a bit of both at times. Sometimes I like to burn the night oil working while other times I’ll be in bed at 9 with the kids and get up at 4 to hit the ground running.
Melissa says
I have never been an early riser but this plan sounds like it is healthy. I need to give it a try for sure! I have always been a night owl myself.
Rose Ann Sales says
I’m neither of these two. I can shift my sleep routine easily and I have only few hours of sleep. 😢ðŸ˜