Here I am again , sharing my at-the-current-moment world. And it’s definitely a new world now, here in the age of living in COVID-19 lockdown.
Fortunately for me, I’ve still been allowed to travel out and work for I have what is considered an essential occupation. Other than that, though, Lynndee and I haven’t left the house to go anywhere except the grocery store, which we’ve turned into an every-other-week trip to minimize being out in the public sphere.
Still, I’ve been a very busy boy and, Currently, I’m…
an eternal classic, Thomas Wolfe’s Look Homeward, Angel.

Just like me, Wolfe was an Asheville, NC, boy, but he got an over half a century start on me, being born in October of 1900. And, unfortunately, he died young at the age of 38, supposedly of tubercular meningitis of the brain which later on was questioned with a claim that he had contracted Valley fever which is endemic in the desert regions of the southwest, an area which he had taken a long road trip on prior to his sickness and death.
Ironically, in all my years of reading, I’d never read this famous work by a hometown icon until late in my life. It’s so entertaining and educating to read about an early Asheville with mention of many places still in existence.
This is my second time of reading the original publication though I did read O Lost: A Story of the Buried Life, put together by the husband and wife team of Arlyn and professor Matthew J. Bruccoli, giving the world the book Wolfe first wrote by replacing the some 90,000 words edited out by Charles Scribner’s Sons editor Maxwell Perkins. With the editing and change of title, the book was, and remains, an immense success.
And Perkins himself, who personally discovered, edited and helped get published F.Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway, as well as Wolfe, has since been lauded as a genius for his editing abilities.
And I’ll have to agree for in reading Look Homeward, Angel and then its original form in O Lost: A Story of the Buried Life, Look Homeward, Angel is without a doubt the best and most enjoyable read. And the story of Wolfe and Perkins’ relationship can be seen in the 2016 film Genius.
As usual, I’m old school and totally love the channel Antenna TV which plays so many syndicated shows.
Once again, I’ve began DVRing Becker, Barney Miller and Wings, three shows I personally consider some of the best sitcoms ever.
Plus, this week, Fox Sports Southeast is rebroadcasting the 1995 World Series, showing the Atlanta Braves winning their first championship since moving south from Milwaukee. Obviously, there doing this since there is currently no live baseball to broadcast due to the corona virus situation.
I sure do miss watching my Braves play every day, but seeing this rerun is sure fun. It’s so great seeing all these former great players I followed for so long, now retired. Especially interesting has been seeing Chipper Jones as a rookie, before he became the superstar he was, making it to the World Series his first year in the big leagues.
a number of things.
I know that Lynndee has shared much with you here the things we’ve been doing around the house. Just yesterday, she repainted our bathroom cabinets and after they dried out, I installed new hardware fixtures; a simple job for the fixer-upper, former maintenance man I am.
Also, yesterday, while she was painting, I finally got some mowing done.

First, I had to change the oil in both my riding and push mowers. Then, I got the front yard mowed for the first time this season.
And today, I finally got the rest of the yard, a former cow pasture, knocked down; it was in the process of becoming a jungle!
Yes, I’ve been lazy and remiss in getting my yard work done, but the weather hasn’t been cooperating, rain and cold, and I finally had a couple of good days. Until about an hour ago, that is, for the rain has returned and according to my long term forecast, it will be raining until 6:00 AM, another 13 hours!
And ’nuff said, for now. Time to go take a break before starting any new projects.
Hopefully, soon, things will get back to normal, though the normal status quo we had will probably never return. That, and the new world to come, remains to be seen!
Thank you for sharing what you’re doing these days, i find the book Look Homeward, Angel particularly interesting 🙂
Indeed, we have so much to be thankful for about the being in quarantine. Just like you, I’d been doing so many things inside the house.
I am glad that we are all productive during this lockdown period. Lately, I am making a DIY project for our dogs.
I’ve been reading a lot these days as well since we are still under quarantine. The book sounds interesting 🙂
Book seems to be much interesting…. it is a good time to spend time with family…. and you are spending that time happily…… Good to hear that
That is so awesome! I love that you’re doing that much, I need to do a lot more, all I am doing is just work…
I’ve also being reading a lot.
I don’t get to do much other than being on internet and play video games so I’ve dedicated my time to reading.
It is good to stay busy during the boring days of lockdown. I like your activities. Thomas Wolfe’s book Look Homewards Angel seems like a good read.