Happy Monday, you guys!
So it is the 8675309th day of quarantine…LOL! Jus’ kidding. Recognize that number? The phone number that was the name of a great song by Tommy Tutone back in the 80s. But we’re still holding on and continuing to do what we have started doing since the beginning of this quarantine. 🙂 How about ya?
So what have we been continuing to do? I bet you would ask that if you have not seen my previous Currently posts. So continue reading.
To…Imagine by John Lennon.
I have always loved this song, but I haven’t listened to it in a while until this doctor sang a rendition of it. Such a great rendition.
The Last Dance on ESPN.
I’ve heard about this documentary a few weeks back and was so looking forward to watching it. I was a fan of Michael Jordan and of the Chicago Bulls back in the 90s and I would always watch their games with my siblings in my hometown.
The hubs and I have already watched the first two episodes last week and we’re recording the remainder of the 10 series documentary. We are going to watch episodes 3 and 4 later today.
It’s really interesting to see the lives of the Chicago Bulls players whether in front of the camera or behind the scenes. And of course, it’s great to see the best NBA player there ever was, Michael Jordan.
Strawberries for snack.
And with a little sugar at that. The hubs was the one who taught me about adding sugar; he grew up eating strawberries like that, the way his Mama fixed ’em.

The beautiful azalea blooms.
It’s that time of year when my red, white and pink azaleas are showing their beautiful blooms.
The new upgrades in our master bedroom.
As I’ve mentioned in my previous Currently posts, we’ve been doing some DIY projects around here although I must say that we are not DIY experts. But we sure are happy of what we have accomplished so far.
Our new closet doors have arrived finally after almost a month, as well as the new round mirror that we placed on top of our new dresser. My new necklace organizer arrived last week too.

Here’s a sneak peek of our new glass sliding closet doors. If you look closer, you can see the round mirror in the background reflecting off the face of the glass in the door.
Looking Forward To…
Doing more DIY projects.
We’re not done yet and this week, we’re going to tackle the cabinets in the bathrooms. We’re going to paint them white and then replace the hardware with black round ones. So excited about this.
To stay home.
We’ve not been out since almost two weeks ago to get groceries. We’re headed to the store again in a few days and as always, I’m anxious about it.
How about you? What are you currently up to?
I love that song! I grew up listening to the Beatles with my dad, so it’s very nostalgic for me.
I’ve been eating tons of strawberries since they are in season. Plus they were on sale for less than $2!
I love Imagine!
We’ve been doing a lot of projects around here as well but now we’re turning our attention to our road trip that we’re supposed to start on May 28th.
Strawberries are one of my favorite snacks. Looking forward to going to the pumpkin patch.
I’ve been doing lots of gardening and deep cleaning the house. I’m excited to get all of this done!
We’re lucky to have 2 punnets of fresh strawberries in our fridge. You’ve prompted me to take them out later! Plus I enjoyed your charming writing style too..
Thank you, Helena. You’re so sweet. 🥰
I really love the song Imagine by John Lennon. It’s really great. Yum! Those strawberries look soooo juicy! I also can’t wait to see the full view of your upgraded master’s bedroom.
I love this song too! Imagine… is one of my favorite songs!
I love spring flowers.. azaleas are a favorite of mine too. I miss fresh fruits and veggies all the time, but we try to get stuff like strawberries when we go on our grocery haul.
We have been loving watching the last dance! I grew up in the Michael Jordan era.
My mom used to always sprinkle sugar on strawberries, my husband’s never did. I’ve learned to enjoy sugar-free strawberries, but I still like them better with the extra sugar.
Unfortunately, I am still feeling under the weather, so I’m not doing much of anything, besides staying home and trying to blog.
Hope you feel better soon, Beth.
I am just glad the weather is starting to change. I have missed feeling the sun and watching my flowers bloom.
Thank you sharing your day with us. I am enjoying the sun by the bedroom window right now as I write. 🙂
Currently up to: getting ready for 18 baby chicks. Our nine hens are a few years old and it’s time to add younger birds. My daughter helped build a brooder.
Yes we are watching movies and shows, missing travel outside. May be after everything comes down. we can go out. Thanks for sharing your day with us.
I know many people eat strawberry with sugar! My cousin’s girlfriend loves to dip it in condensed milk.
Oh my gosh I was obsessed with the 90’s Bulls. I need to watch that doc. And I’m so jealous you live in a place where azaleas bloom!