October is in full swing and Halloween is right around the corner. I don’t know how Halloween is going to be celebrated by you, but I’m pretty sure how we are going to celebrate ours.
My son has already graduated trick-or-treating so after he decided that he’s too old to go trick-or-treating, we just celebrated Halloween with food and watching horror films. I’m not a fan of horror films at all, but my husband and my son enjoy it so I watch with them with my eyes covered most of the time. LOL.
My son had never went trick-or-treating in my home county because we don’t celebrate Halloween there as big and elaborate like they celebrate it here in the U.S. So his trick-or-treating experiences were really fun for us. And I do have some favorite Halloween memories.
There is a famous street here in Asheville, North Carolina, where kids and adults alike go on Halloween, Vermont Avenue. Homeowners on this street really go up and beyond to decorate their houses on Halloween and they were amazing.
Families really go out of their way and wear costumes as well. My husband and I didn’t go that route. Only my son and his friend wore costumes.

My son was a navy seal and his friend was a neon skeleton. That is big bird, I think. And I’m not sure what the message meant, but he was cute so I took a picture of him and the boys.

Just one of the houses that we saw. This picture sure don’t do justice of how awesome the house looked.
It was our first time to go trick-or-treating on that street and it was really super fun.
This was mine and my son’s first time ever to carve jack-o’-lanterns too because we don’t have pumpkins in the Philippines.
That was the only time we did it, though, because I had no idea it could be tedious. But we surely had fun. And the results definitely put a smile on our faces.

That was me on the left, hubby is in the middle and our son on the right. LOL. I wrote more about these jack-o’lanterns here on the blog before. You can check it here.
Both of these happened in 2012 and these sure are my most favorite Halloween memories of all.
What are your favorite Halloween memories?
That Big Bird costume was a real hit. I have been wondering if trick or treating will happen with distancing in place, but I hope it will.
They are not going to have it this year on Vermont Avenue as per the local news.
I love looking back on memories of times past. My kids are now 12, 14 and 18 (on Thursday) so I get a little teary eyed looking back, with the oldest becoming an adult this week.
So fun. I just love Halloween. You have some great memories. LOVE the Big Bird costume.
I am finding it difficult to explain to my kids how we will spend Halloween this year. This is why it’s so important to create memories when we can.
I think my neighborhood is still doing trick or treating. We’re just getting a bit creative with it to help ensure safety. Carving pumpkins is a must!
Thanks for sharing your Halloween memories. This looks like amazing times.
Your jack-o-lanterns looked great! I understand why once was enough for you.
My husband loves to make things and he makes a new decoration for Halloween every year. Usually, it has a motor.
It will be interesting to see if there is trick-or-treating in our neighborhood this year. If there is, we’ll be passing out candy, but from a distance.
My best memories around Halloween are taking my tiny daughter trick or treating and how she was always amazed that someone gave her candy for free!
Jack o Lanterns are so cute.. Such a fun Halloween experience you’ve shared. Thanks!
You have such wonderful halloween memories and looks like you really had so much fun. I hope you will have a beautiful halloween this year, too..in spite of the tough times we are all going through.
Beautiful photos and wonderful memories! I think this year will be a special Halloween too. We will make it special!
I love Halloween! We are going to try to do something fun at home this year, and maybe just trick or treat at both Grandmas houses.
I agree with these ideas and suggestions. These things really have a vibe of the halloween. Really helpful for planning. Thank you
What a fun Halloween memories! Kids will miss out trick or treating this year.
Yes my kids love halloween and want to dress up they plan an year ahead. Thanks for sharing your memories. it is precious.
Grew up without halloween so I’m not sure. but it’s a good thing you enjoy it! 🙂
Wow, that big bird costume is out of this world! Trick or treating is one of my favorite memories too!
I love holloween! specially when it’s just around the corner. Sadly things will be different this time of year.But I still love when it’s holloween season, the horror movies, the occasions and everything about it.
My favorite is when my daughter stole the candies in the middle of the night. She was only 2 years old back then.