If you have been following me on Instagram, you already knew about this because I mentioned it there in my post on Monday.
For those who haven’t read it, that short trip to the ER happened on Wednesday, December 1st. And the diagnosis? Vertigo!

Tuesday night, I was laying on the couch watching TV with the hubs when I started feeling dizzy. I went to bed after the movie and started feeling nauseous. I had to get up and threw up all that I had for dinner. But I had a good night sleep that night.
Then morning came…
History of Vertigo
I have a history of Vertigo. Even my sister has it. I think I started experiencing episodes in my 20’s. But there was no throwing up.
That Eventful Day
I woke up on Wednesday morning and the world was spinning! I was so nauseous that I had to throw up a lot of times. And since I couldn’t even leave the bed, the hubs had to put a container beside the bed for me to throw up into.
The Call to Our Family Care Provider
I told the hubs to call our doctor for advice. I knew that you can’t just talk to your doctor without an appointment, but we tried anyway. I was hoping they could at least tell us any medicine that I could take. But that didn’t happen. We did get advice from the front desk receptionist. As per her, since I couldn’t get up, their protocol states that we needed to call 911.
The 911 Call
So, the hubs dialed 911. He never tried dialing 911 before. And it reminds me of that time 5 years ago when I had to dial 911 because he was having a heart attack.
Two EMS guys and a gal arrived in more or less 10 minutes. They put me on a Stair Chair and gave me an Emesis Bag (vomit bag).
While inside the ambulance and on our way to the hospital, they gave me medicine through IV fluids for nausea. And I never vomited again after that although I was still so dizzy.
At the ER
The hospital is not too far from where we live. I think we got there in about 10 or 15 minutes.
The EMS people, who were so nice to me the whole time, handed me over to the nurses. One of the guys even said goodbye to me before they left. 🙂
There were two nurses there in the room, a gal who was doing all the computer stuff, and the guy who put all the medical devices on me, i.e. blood pressure cuff and pulse oximeter. But apparently, they were not my real nurses.
Then came my nurse, Paige. She was such an awesome nurse. She took care of everything that needed to be done and told me to wait for the doctor.
Then the doctor came. After the talk, she ordered medicines for me. Paige gave me my medicines and I felt so much better after that. I was still dizzy, but not as much.
So, since I was feeling a lot better, the doctor ordered for a discharge.
Paige then transported me outside on a wheelchair. We got to talking at the entrance while waiting for the hubs who was getting the car. She was from Indiana and moved here to our city to be with her Mom. I also told her that I moved here years ago from the Philippines. She loves the city like I do because as, per her, it’s a little city that offers the same ambience as a big city.
The hubs, who’d been at my side the entire day, other than the trip to the hospital, got the car and home we went!
And…In Conclusion
I was at the ER for more or less three hours and I was prescribed medicines to be taken for a week. I’ve already finished taking my medicines and as of today all I can say is I’m 100% okay! Yay to that!
So, there’s my short trip to the ER story. My first in the U.S. since I got here. Back in the Philippines, the last time I was at the hospital was when I gave birth to my son 18 years ago.
It was quite an experience.
My mom got vertigo after we went on a cruise. She ended up being dizzy for months after!
Sorry about that. I was still a little dizzy a few days after that, but I’m A-okay now. 🙂
Glad to see that you are doing better. It sounds like the medicine is helping you.
It sure did. Thank you, Tara.
Indeed it’s a quite experience. Im glad to see you’re getting better. Please take a full rest.
I did. Thank you, Beth.
I’m really glad that you are doing better! I remember my friend also has Vertigo.
Thank you, Richelle.
I’m glad you are feeling better now and your trip to the ER was a “pleasant” one. I have been to the ER a couple of times because of migraines.
Thank you, Ave. It sure was a pleasant one. I’m sorry to hear about your migraines. Take care.
Oh no I am so sorry you ended up in the ER, I’ve had vertigo before and it really isn’t nice at all is it.
It was an awful feeling. Glad it’s over!
Sounds like the ER took good care of you! Glad to hear you’re doing much better.
Thank you! They sure did.
Trips to the ER are scary, no matter what. I am happy it was resolved for you.
Thank you, Terri!
That really stinks! How are you feeling now? Vertigo can be such a struggle. I hope you are feeling better!
I’m 100% okay now. Thank you!
I am so sorry for what happened. But it’s a good thing that now you know what you have exactly and how you need to deal with it.
Thank you, Catalina!