…some unfinished business. Back in July, Lynndee gave rebirth to one of her neglected blogs, renaming its title and domain name, with a promise of explaining later the choice of names. She has, however, been remiss in doing so, though that’s not her fault for she is a very busy lady, taking care of all her blogs, as well as taking care of her #1 priority, the raising of her son, for which I respect her very much; a good Mommy, she is. So, I figured it was about time for the stories to be told, and seeing that I was the main culprit in her choice of names, who better to tell the tale?
As for the domain name, meandjarhead.com, that actually was all of my doing. Since way back in the day as a young kid, I’ve been pegged with many a moniker due to my frame of mind and outlook on life, such as geek; nerd; dweeb; sissy; panty waist; jughead; bonehead; jarhead; knucklehead; et cetera, et cetera, as well as even more unflattering names, which I won’t share here at what we consider a family type of place. Oh well, what can I say? Kids can be cruel, and adults even worse. But I am different, and have no shame in the way I look at things. Just by the fact of being called such names does tell me that many others consider me different, and people fear such differences that go against their stereotypical view of the world. And that’s their choice. But I have no problem in making fun of myself because I revel in being of a different sort, thus my choice for our domain name, though I did choose what I felt to be the least offensive of them, for even if I am different than most, I feel it’s a good difference.
As for the blog title, that too I’m partially responsible for, though Lynndee chose it. Back in the early days of our coming together as a team, I gave her a couple of books in a surprise package I sent her, books that touched me in a deep and profound way: The Bridges of Madison County and A Thousand Country Roads, both by Robert James Waller. The first one told of the ill-fated and tragic love story of Robert Kincaid and Francesca Johnson, and the second was an epilogue that finished the tale. Though sad, such is life, but what really set my mind on fire about the books was the character Robert Kincaid. In him, I saw myself, a man not of this stale world, but a dreamer; a poet; a mystic; and a true romantic. In his own way, he saw life much the same as I, and while reading the book the first time, it was as if I was reading about myself, that I was the main character and basis of the story. So, yes, it did touch me, and also made me feel that it really wasn’t so bad after all to be different. And in my own way, I guess sending these books to Lynndee was a way of introducing myself to her and letting her know that I truly was of a different nature, which she has now discovered in her own way.
Ironically, or maybe not-so ironic, my user name when I first contacted Lynndee was Kincaid, and my blog name here is Peregrine, which also played an important part in the story of Robert Kincaid and Francesca. But you need to read the books to discover that story, for this post has already turned into a novel in its own right. So in closing, I’ll share the opening lines from Bridges which may whet your appetite such as it did mine: “There are songs that come free from the blue-eyed grass, from the dust of a thousand country roads. This is one of them.” And so it is that Lynndee and I have embarked on a journey down the thousand of roads that lie before us, be they dusty and bumpy, or clear and smooth, and this is our song. But be what they may, we will travel them together as one united, in search of the forever that lies at the end of our odyssey, and we have smiles and smiles ahead of us until we reach that destination…(“,)