Celebrating the 18th Year of Awesom...
April 9, 2021 in Birthday, Food TripIf you remember, my son celebrated his 18th birthday last month and I shared how we celebrated it on my post, “Legally Adult Since Yesterday.” And as I mentioned there, I am going to share what we filled our tummies with that day. Just...
Legally Adult Since Yesterday
March 29, 2021 in Birthday, Family*This post contains affiliate links. If you use these links to buy the products, we may earn a commission. Thanks! He’s all grown up! I’m talking about our son who turned 18 years old yesterday. He’s now legally an adult. It’s another quarantine-style birthday...
Japanese Dinner for His Birthday...
March 5, 2021 in Birthday, Food Trip, Japanese FoodWe have already embraced the fact that our special celebrations would be quarantine-style. So for Hubby’s birthday last month, as usual, we ordered takeout using our favorite food delivery app. We’ve actually been enjoying the convenience of these takeouts. Can’t beat the fact that...
We Were on a Feeding Frenzy!
September 4, 2020 in Birthday, Food Trip, Food Trip FridaySo…I’m now a year older and definitely a year wiser. 🙂 I recently celebrated my birthday and what better way to celebrate it than with good food. Celebrating another year of life is a blessing not to be ignored. For this year, I decided...
A Stay-at-Home Birthday
April 3, 2020 in Birthday, Food TripOur son turned a year older last week. He’s now 17 and it’s hard to believe he’s already that old. It sure doesn’t feel like I gave birth to him that long ago. We planned to go to one of his favorite restaurants to...
Food Shared is Happiness Multiplied...
February 28, 2020 in Birthday, Food TripWe celebrated Hubby’s birthday a few night’s ago, a little late than his actual birthday because he had to work, but we sure enjoyed everything that we had. Like I mentioned many times in the past, we love seafood and we decided to eat...
Happy Birthday to Me!
September 6, 2019 in Birthday, CelebrationsLike I mentioned in my Currently post last month, September is my birth month and I celebrated my birthday a few days ago. Hubby always lets me decide where I want to eat. I couldn’t decide where. But when I mentioned to him about...
A MagnĂfico Latino Birthday Dinner...
September 7, 2018 in Birthday, Celebrations, FoodA year older, and a year wiser, for sure…or…I guess. 🙂 I celebrated another birthday a few days ago and that’s one of the reasons why I love September…it’s my birth month. There’s more to love in September, but let’s talk about my special...