242 Years Old and Still Counting…Happy Birthday, America!
July 4, 2018 in Celebrations, Events, History
Happy 50th Anniversary!
June 22, 2018 in Anniversaries, Celebrations, FamilyThough I’m now in my early 40s, it’s hard for me to imagine that my parents have been together even longer than I’ve been living. However, that is truly logical seeing that I wouldn’t even be here if they had never met. 🙂 But...
A Happy Father’s Day Wish...
June 15, 2018 in Celebrations, FamilyThe celebration of Father’s Day this coming Sunday brought me into creating this post to give tribute to these two special fathers. First off, my husband who has been my unico hijo’s Dad for the last seven years. He has been very supportive of...
Ways to Show Love on Mother’s...
May 14, 2018 in CelebrationsHappy Monday and I hope all you Moms out there had a wonderful Mother’s Day! My husband and son as well as my family never fail to make me feel loved on Mother’s Day so I’m sharing all the ways that I was shown...
Fantastic Fifteenth Birthday Feast...
March 30, 2018 in Birthday, CelebrationsIf you missed it, our son celebrated his birthday recently and the hubs talked about it here on the blog. That night, we celebrated and took him to dinner. Just like last year, he wanted for us to take him to this restaurant named...
It’s Your Day Son…Happy...
March 28, 2018 in CelebrationsA special day it is for our son Yogi. To be specific, it’s a Happy Birthday day! ‘Twas 15 years ago that he graced this world with his presence, and what a journey he’s had since that beginning. He’s experienced many adventures that most...
Hubby’s Happy Birthday Dinner...
February 28, 2018 in Birthday, Celebrations, DinnerIf you have been following me on Instagram and had seen my sneak peeks about Hubby’s birthday dinner, you already have seen this post coming since I mentioned it there. And if you have missed Hubby’s post on Monday, he turned 2,051,222,400 seconds old...
We Ate Our Hearts Out on Valentine&...
February 16, 2018 in Celebrations, Food, Food Trip, Food Trip FridayI have mentioned on my previous post that Valentine’s Day is one of the occasions that we look forward to celebrating every year. And we usually celebrate it as family. But having a teen sure does hold a lot of surprises which leads to...
The Ways of the Heart Celebrate Thi...
February 14, 2018 in Celebrations, Valentine's DayOnce again, the day has come to celebrate the Feast of Saint Valentine. And originally it was a Christian feast day honoring two early saints named Valentinus who actually were martyred. But the day became linked to romanticism by virtue of the great medieval...