15 Things We’re Looking Forwa...
March 22, 2021 in Family Fun, Fun, SpringHappy Spring! I guess most of us, if not all, are excited that spring has finally sprung. My daffodils are in full bloom which is a pretty sight. But there’s more to look forward to this spring and here’s our list. Photo courtesy of...
Currently…(January 2021) Hubby Ed...
January 28, 2021 in Fun, PersonalI’ve been rather remiss as of late in doing my duties as the co-author of this blogging team. Over the past three months I’ve only done three posts. My part time job has totally engulfed my free time, almost turning into a full timer!...
Currently…(December 2020) Wif...
December 7, 2020 in Fun, PersonalIt’s December and it’s the last month of my monthly Currently posts for the year. I always have fun doing these posts. And I will continue to do this for years to come. Here’s a sneak peek of our Christmas tree this year.We always...
Happy First Day of Fall!
September 23, 2019 in FunMy favorite among the four seasons is here. We actually had some fall temps a few days ago and it got me excited. And pumpkins are already sold at the supermarket. Of course I had to snap a photo as soon as I laid...
Enter to Win an Oceanfront Condo or...
June 17, 2019 in Fun, GiveawayThis is a sponsored post. Win an Oceanfront Condo and Change Your Life! Vacation Myrtle Beach, one of the largest providers of family vacation accommodations in Myrtle Beach, SC, is pleased to announce the launch of The Great Myrtle Beach Condo Giveaway contest, wich...
An Exhibit of LEGO Sculptures
June 10, 2019 in Attraction, FunIn my post, Bonsai at the North Carolina Arboretum, I mentioned about the LEGO sculptures that we also saw at the Arboretum that time. It was actually the main reason why we were there. There was an exhibit and knowing that our son was...
Spring Break Mode: ON
April 15, 2019 in Family Fun, FunLet spring break commence! Spring break starts for our kiddo today and when I asked him on Friday what he wanted to do this week his reply was, “Rest!” I don’t blame him. High school life can be really stressful so, if all he...
Fun Things To Do in Spring
March 4, 2019 in Fun, SpringThe grass is getting greener, buds are showing up in trees and our daffodils are blooming. There’s no denying it, spring is right around the corner. And I couldn’t be more excited. I think you can tell in this post how excited I am because...