Happy First Day of Autumn!
September 23, 2014 in Autumn, Fun, Games, Season, SportsHow is it in your part of the Northern Hemisphere? It truly is chilly where I am now. Really. But what can I say. It is officially autumn! Woot! I so look forward to a lot of things in the fall. Beautiful foliage, Halloween...
Bingo Time!
October 2, 2011 in Fun, GamesThis was during my husband’s company’s picnic. Though they had the picnic every year, it was the first time that they played bingo. I have always enjoyed playing bingo though I haven’t won even once. I don’t really mind. What’s important is the fun...
Playing with the Boys
May 1, 2011 in Fun, Games, SportsThis was taken on Easter Sunday at my brother-in-law’s house. We were invited for lunch and after that, the guys decided to play basketball while the kids were busy hunting for eggs and the women were busy chitchatting. They were already playing for like...