He Knows How Impatient I Can Be...
April 10, 2012 in Home, Home Improvement, House“I’m jumping way ahead.” That was what my husband told me after he saw me browsing the amish kitchen furniture online. We were supposed to update the kitchen cabinets first as well as its hardware before anything else and there I was, already browsing...
We’re So Picky
February 21, 2012 in Home ImprovementBelieve it or not, it’s been months that we’ve been checking for new curtains for the living room to no avail. It’s either we saw some that we liked but there was none in stock, or the design was nice but the fabric wasn’t...
I Have Design on My Mind
October 13, 2011 in Home Improvement, HomesWatching HGTV is one of the many things that occupies my daily schedule. I think I have always been a frustrated interior designer. I’ve always wanted to be one since I was in high-school, but it simply didn’t happen. But though I didn’t get...
I Think It Looks Better
May 28, 2011 in Home ImprovementI mop our kitchen floor like two to three times a week. Yesterday was the last time I did it and I don’t like how it looks. Some parts of the linoleum are so worn out. The husband’s plan of changing to tiles hasn’t...