Light ‘Em Up In A Snap
June 27, 2022 in House and Home*This post contains affiliate links. Lights for the home have evolved over the years. There are more to choose from now that offers more different lighting moods or benefits that you can think of. You can find one that makes your home feel cozy,...
How to Regrow Bok Choy
April 11, 2022 in House and Home, TipsBok choy is one of my favorite vegetables. But we call it Pechay in the Philippines so, basically, I have never called it bok choy, and actually didn’t know it’s called bok choy until I got here in the U.S. We usually have the...
Safety First with First Alert
February 14, 2022 in House and HomeThank you First Alert for sponsoring this post. Our family’s safety is of the utmost importance to us. We always make sure that we cover all the bases. One of the things that was on our priority list was installing smoke and carbon monoxide...
Favorite Amazon Home Finds, Part 2...
October 12, 2020 in House and Home, Online Shopping, Shopping*This post contains affiliate links. If you use these links to buy the products, we may earn a commission. Thanks! Here are the latest that we have ordered from Amazon. If you notice, there is a theme here. But if you have been here...
Amazon Finds for a Teen’s Roo...
September 14, 2020 in House and Home, Online Shopping, Shopping*This post contains affiliate links. If you use these links to buy the products, we may earn a commission. Thanks! I really had fun updating my son’s room. But with his help, of course. Now that he is already a teen, he already knows...
Favorite Amazon Home Finds
September 7, 2020 in House and Home, Online Shopping, Shopping*This post contains affiliate links. If you use these links to buy the products, we may earn a commission. Thanks! If you have been here on the blog before and read my Currently posts over the last few months, you already know that we’ve...
Amazon Bathroom Finds
August 10, 2020 in House and Home, Online Shopping, Shopping*This post contains affiliate links. If you use these links to buy the products, we may earn a commission. Thanks! I have mentioned in my Currently posts before that we’ve been doing some DIY projects and updating our abode. I am liking the brightness...
Amazon Bedroom Finds
July 20, 2020 in House and Home, Online Shopping, Shopping*This post contains affiliate links. If you use these links to buy the products, we may earn a commission. Thanks! We shop for a lot of stuff on Amazon because it seems as if they have everything in the world on their shelves. I...