Favorite Amazon Kitchen Organizatio...
June 22, 2020 in House and Home, Shopping*This post contains affiliate links. If you use these links to buy the products, we may earn a commission. Thanks! As much as we did a lot of DIY’ng over here while quarantining which I’ve talked about in my previous ‘Currently’ posts, we also...
Flower Power: My Beloved Garden...
April 6, 2020 in Gardening, House and HomeHow about some bright and beautiful colors to fill our sights with in this time of uncertainty? There is too much negativity on the news, but we can always take a break from it and see the beauty that is right in front of...
At-Home Activities During Quarantin...
March 30, 2020 in Family Fun, House and HomeLast week, the Governor of North Carolina issued a statewide ‘stay-at-home’ order which will start today, Monday, March 30, and will last at least 30 days. But even before the Governor declared it, our county had already declared a ‘stay home, stay safe’ order...
I Finally Organized My Spices
August 16, 2019 in House and HomeIn Filipino cuisine, we only have few spices that we use often in cooking; garlic and onion plus the most commonly used seasonings-soy sauce, salt and pepper. When I got here in the U.S., I was amazed of how many spices the Hubs had...
For the Love of Iris
July 15, 2019 in Flowers, Gardening, House and HomeI remember saying in the early part of spring that I’m going to share the beauty of my iris flowers here on the blog. Then I got wound up with things, and I just remembered a few days ago that I haven’t fulfilled that...
Caring for My Indoor Plants
February 20, 2019 in House and HomeOther than having a flower garden outside which I so look forward to start taking care of in the spring, I also have some indoor plants that I enjoy taking care of. I’ve had these plants for years although I must admit that I...
5 Borderline Genius Spring Cleaning...
August 9, 2017 in House and Home, SpringNo one wants to live in a messy and dirty house. That is why a lot of housewives and helpers struggle to maintain a clean and beautiful home for the entire family. But there’s no reason to slave your way to cleaning the house;...
Need a Lounger? Here’s a Give...
December 23, 2016 in Giveaway, House and HomeOur son loves to play with his iPad and since it’s already Christmas break, I know for sure that I will be seeing him either slouched on the sofa or in the wing back chair, or perhaps on his Dad’s recliner staring at his...