The Week that Was, Vol. 4
September 30, 2019 in Life, PersonalHappy Monday! How was the week for you? Ours was exciting and here are the reasons why. There’s already a little bit of color here and there and here’s some that I captured at the Target parking lot. Only the top of the tree...
The Week that Was, Vol. 1
March 6, 2017 in Life, Musings, PersonalHappy Monday! How was your weekend or your entire week last week, for that matter? Our weekend was a bit lazy compared to the week days, but it sure was fun. Continue reading to find out. 🙂 SPRING HAS SPRUNG It sure feels like...
Recap of A Busy Month (September)...
October 8, 2014 in Adventures, Blogging, Food, Life, Road Trip, TravelSeptember may have came and went by so quickly, but we got a lot accomplished, blog wise so, we feel fulfilled and accomplished more than ever. That being said, I think it is best to recap what we shared last month. We love to...