After Death – A Movie of Hope...
October 24, 2023 in Entertainment, MovieMany thanks to Angel Studios for providing a sample of the product for this review.Opinions are 100% my own. What happens when we die? Have you heard or known of tales about near-death experiences? If you haven’t, this movie is a must-see. After Death...
The Blind – The True Story of...
September 27, 2023 in MovieMany thanks to Tread Lively for providing a sample of the product for this review.Opinions are 100% my own. The Blind is a quintessential story of love and redemption, telling the story of a man with a dark background of sinful living filled with...
These Movies Never Get Old, Part 2...
May 16, 2022 in Entertainment, MovieThere was no good movie to watch on cable on Saturday so I decided to check Netflix out. And to my delight, Top Gun was available! The movie is only available until May 31, though. I guess they were doing this because of the...
It’s a Long Way “From H...
April 27, 2021 in Books, Entertainment, MovieEarly on, I’d never wondered at the reason for the title of one of my most favorite movies. It was only after having acquired the book that I discovered the answer, but even then, I was a wee bit too young to comprehend the...
Christmas Movies to Watch on Netfli...
December 9, 2020 in Christmas, MovieChristmas movies are such feel-good movies to watch and that’s why I love watching them. I’ve been watching a lot of Christmas movies on Hallmark Channel, some of them I’ve already seen before. I still enjoy re-watching them, though. They just never get old....
Paul Newman Still has the Movie Mox...
October 28, 2020 in Entertainment, MovieAs most of you who follow me and Lynndee here know, one of my great loves other than oldie goldie moldie music and books is classic old movies. I’ve shared much of that with y’all here, such as my take on Burt Lancaster’s stellar...
He Truly was a Genius
July 15, 2020 in Books, MovieWho I speak of is William Maxwell Evarts Perkins, a name most likely unknown to the most of you, just as it was back in his own day. And though unknown to the general public, he was, however, very well known to people who...
I’ve Lived in Historic Times!...
April 15, 2020 in History, MovieIn retrospect, I find it ironic to realize that in this era of the Covid-19 pandemic, a truly historic event, I have also lived through other significant events and eras. My first major recollection is that of the Cuban Missile Crisis, which itself was...