The Miracle of Midway
November 13, 2019 in Entertainment, MovieOf what I speak is the famous WWII battle in the Pacific. And it truly was a miracle when the highly outnumbered American Pacific Fleet actually defeated the gargantuan fleet sent out by the Japanese Imperial Navy to complete the unfinished job of destroying...
‘Tis Time of the Season for C...
December 17, 2018 in Christmas, MovieIt’s once again the time of year to speak about Christmas favorites, and in my case, I’m going to speak about my all-time favorite Christmas movies. It’s a Wonderful Life Without a doubt, one of the all-time classics is 1946’s It’s a Wonderful Life,...
Bond…James Bond
January 31, 2018 in Books, Entertainment, MovieThe quintessential catch phrase of self-introduction used by the famous spy character created by the late Ian Fleming.
“From Here to Eternity”...
May 3, 2017 in Entertainment, MovieAs many of the faithful followers of this blog know, over the times of my writing here, I’ve posted many articles about books and movies, two of my most favorite pastimes. And today, I’m mixing the two. As of late, between all the times...
“Star Wars: The Force Awakens...
January 13, 2016 in Entertainment, Family Fun, MovieThere was much hoopla leading up to the release of episode 7 of the Star Wars series, Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Though a fan of the series, I wasn’t one of the ones waiting with bated breath. I certainly did love the first...
“It’s The Most Wonderfu...
December 9, 2015 in Christmas, Entertainment, MovieWhat better way to celebrate this time of year than to watch some ‘ol-time favorite Christmas movies? And there have been many classics over the years that never fail to delight me and put me in the spirit of the season. Without a doubt, some...
“Once Upon a Time in the West...
October 21, 2015 in Entertainment, MovieI recently wrote of our discovery of Netflix and the joy it gives us in finding good shows to watch on TV. There are so many choices. It takes quite a bit of time to scroll through all the possibilities and, at that, it...
Shoeless Joe, a Tragedy on the so-c...
August 12, 2015 in Books, Entertainment, Movie, SportsThough I’m an avid book lover, I’m not a stick in the mud when it comes to my leisure activities. I have other loves, as well. I’m the quintessential baseball fanatic when it comes to following my favorite team, the Atlanta Braves, and movies...