Somewhere Over the Rainbow, Wishes...
July 13, 2010 in Musings; Relationship; Love.Irish legend has it that if one sees a rainbow, at the end of the rainbow will be a pot of gold, guarded by a Leprechaun. And if one has the luck o’ the Irish, they may be able to seek it out and...
Nighty Night…
May 15, 2010 in Musings; Relationship; Love., Social Networking Sites…don’t let the bed bugs bite! That’s what I wished my fiance’ before he went to bed. Well, technically not really for he’s probably in bed already when I posted the phrase on his Facebook wall. I don’t know if he checked Facebook again...
It’s Been…
April 29, 2010 in Musings; Relationship; Love.You might be wondering what I am talking about but you will know in time. It’s just so early to talk about it now, I guess. Besides, thinking about it makes me anxious. I am not certain of its outcome and nobody is certain...
Dreams Do come True!!!
March 4, 2010 in Musings; Relationship; Love.Today I got the word from my immigration lawyer that all I had to do was show up at their office on the morrow with the correct amount of a certified check/money order, and they would then file the papers necessary to deliver an...
365 Days Ago Today…
February 25, 2010 in E-Card, Musings; Relationship; Love., Occasion…when our paths met, online. It’s been one helluva of twists and turns since then. Nah, seriously… it’s been a life full of joy and happiness since then. There may be misunderstandings but they were too shallow to shaken up what we’ve already got...
‘Tis Time to Take Care ofR...
February 20, 2010 in Books, Musings; Relationship; Love.…some unfinished business. Back in July, Lynndee gave rebirth to one of her neglected blogs, renaming its title and domain name, with a promise of explaining later the choice of names. She has, however, been remiss in doing so, though that’s not her fault...
Sweet Memories Live Forever, and Fo...
September 30, 2009 in Musings; Relationship; Love.As to Lynndee’s last post, yes, I can keep on giving details to each of those 16 wonderful days I spent with her. And today is one of the most special ones of all of ’em; not the most special one, for that one...
16-Days……In Paradise!...
September 11, 2009 in Musings; Relationship; Love.Yepper, ’twas exactly that. I did find that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, full of answered dreams, and it was guarded by an Anghel, who in all reality was the answer to all the dreams I’ve ever had, as I...