Critters: My Own Private Game Prese...
July 13, 2016 in Critters, Musings, NatureI’m fortunate to be living on the ol’ homestead, having lived on the same property my entire life. Though Mom’s old house is now razed and gone, I did live next door to her for years, taking care of her and the old house,...
Weekend Wrap-up
May 16, 2016 in Entertainment, Musings, Personal, SportHello Monday! Where did the weekend go? It seemed to fly by so quick. While talking to the hubs yesterday, I actually lost track of what day it was and asked him. It surely didn’t feel like Sunday yesterday. Weird! Maybe because the hubs...
Mother’s Day Weekend Wrap-up...
May 9, 2016 in Celebrations, Musings, PersonalHappy Monday! I hope all you moms out there had a wonderful Mother’s Day. I had such a wonderful Mother’s Day celebration with my boys – namely, my husband and my son. They always make sure that Mother’s Day is extra-special for me and...
Easter Sunday Wrap-up
March 28, 2016 in Celebrations, MusingsI hope you all had a fun-filled Easter Sunday celebrated with family and friends. As usual, we celebrated Easter with family at my in-laws’ house. When the kids’ were younger, we used to have an Easter egg hunt there. But now that they’re too...
Yea, though I walked through the va...
February 23, 2016 in Musings, Personal…and this is where I paraphrase even more, for it isn’t a matter of fearing no evil but a matter of fearing nothing because I remember nothing at all about that momentous day. So, hi again, y’all. I’ve been remiss in posting here; not...
Another Day in the Life, Thankfully...
February 22, 2016 in Family, Musings, PersonalHappy Monday and I hope you all had a great weekend! I’ve been so looking forward to this day. It may be dreary and soggy outside because of the rain, but the feeling of excitement and joy abounds inside our humble abode. I think...
February Celebrations: Wedding Anni...
February 15, 2016 in Celebrations, MusingsI hope you all had a wonderful Valentine’s Day! It’s the love month so I think I do have an excuse to be sappy, right? But don’t worry, it’s not going to be super duper sappy. Just a little bit. 😉 February is the...
An Angel Librarian and Ray Bradbury...
May 6, 2015 in Books, MusingsMany of my recent posts have been about my love of books. That love began when I was a six-year-old little boy and my mom got me my first library card. Did I ever feel important! And that was in a different place and time as...