Things I’m Loving Lately
January 19, 2015 in Beauty, Food, House and Home, MusingsI think from time to time, we discover new things and from that time on, it seems like it’s never going to be the same without them. These things could either be something we wear, food we snack on, a beauty product or even...
A Once-Upon-a-Time Li’l Boy R...
January 19, 2014 in Comic Books, MusingsHi again, y’all. Yeah, it’s been quite some time since we last crossed paths; almost a year since my last post here. But upon dire threats from my dear wifey of firing me as her co-blogger – does that mean divorce? – I figured...
The more things change…
December 2, 2009 in Musings…the more they remain the same; an adage of unknown origin but most likely known world wide. And a case in point and perfect illustration of that sentiment can be seen in the above photo. Yepper, that’s yours truly, and with apologies to George Lucas I...
Excellent Memory
September 29, 2009 in MusingsA month ago had passed since he had his trip here and you know what? He’s been refreshing my memory of what happened a month ago, every day. And that meant, since day one. I was really surprised how sharp he’s memory is. I...
Our First Moon
September 15, 2009 in Musings, RelationshipAs he often told me, he is a dreamer and so am I, I believe so, that’s probably why we get along so well. And among his many dreams is sharing a full moon with me. You might consider it cheesy but that’s how romantic...
Rainbows and Dreams
August 20, 2009 in MusingsI just read Lynndee’s post about butterflies. In my experiences of life, where there have been butterflies there have always been rainbows and dreams lurking as well. Being of the Scot-Irish descent that I am, where there’s a rainbow, there’s a pot of gold...