Lovely Bonsai Plants
June 17, 2010 in Places, PlantsThese bonsai plants remind me of a lot of things because the place where these plants were located was the place my fiance’ and I first visited when he had his 16 day vacation here in our country. And the place mesmerized him. Aside...
Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage P...
November 7, 2009 in PlacesThis is the first church that BA and I ever visited together. It’s located in the downtown area of our city and we visited it with my son, Yogi, after paying respects to my hubby’s tomb on the Saturday of what would have been...
The Graveyard…
November 6, 2009 in Places…of my BA’s departed loved ones. He visited the place during his dad’s death anniversary sometime in August. I know this post is a little bit late for All Soul’s Day but better late than never, right? There’s one reason too why I thought...