The Importance of Plants to Beautif...
August 24, 2015 in Flowers, PlantsI’ve always loved this time of year when these flowers are in full bloom. They are planted right beside future Interstate 26 or I-26 in North Asheville. The flower lover that I am, my eyes are all over these flowers whenever we pass by....
What Kind of Mushrooms are These?...
March 10, 2013 in Nature, PlantsIt was summer last year when my husband was cleaning his mom’s yard and he saw these. He went home immediately to tell me about it because he knew I would be interested in it. And he was right. We both didn’t know what...
My Lucky Bamboo
April 18, 2012 in PlantsWe were at Lowe’s buying home decors as well as plants for the garden when I saw this lucky bamboo while browsing the plants. I fell in love with it instantly and the husband did too. So it didn’t literally take us a minute...
Purple Cone Flower
July 19, 2011 in PlantsAs soon as summer started, I was so eager to start a flower garden. The husband started on a planter project, but he wasn’t able to finish it just yet because he has been busy with work and there were times that he was...
An Oak Tree?
May 28, 2011 in PlantsI don’t know what kind of tree this is. I am just guessing that it is an oak tree. The husband has no idea either. But it was such a lovely tree. This tree was at the backyard of the guy that we visited...
Yogi and the Willow Tree
April 15, 2011 in Plants, Son's CornerWherever we go, this tree never fails to catch my attention. I was fascinated by it the first time I saw it, but I wasn’t able to take a photo because it is always hard to capture something when the vehicle is moving. That...
Lovely Bonsai Plants
June 17, 2010 in Places, PlantsThese bonsai plants remind me of a lot of things because the place where these plants were located was the place my fiance’ and I first visited when he had his 16 day vacation here in our country. And the place mesmerized him. Aside...
Surrounded By Plants
January 24, 2010 in Home, House, PlantsIf I were to look for mom early in the morning, I’d have no problem knowing where to look since there’s only one place that she loves so much other than her church: her garden in front of our house. She has a wide...