A Fun in the Sun Pool Party
July 25, 2016 in Family Fun, SummerHappy Monday! Summer will be over before we know it and that is why we’re trying to enjoy it as much as we can to the fullest. This past weekend, we were invited to a pool party by my sister-in-law’s nephew and our boy...
Summer Vacation to Atlanta, Georgia...
March 27, 2014 in Summer, Travel, VacationIt was in 2012 when the hubs surprised us with a trip to Atlanta, Georgia. My son and I had only been here in the U.S. for almost two years when it happened. I didn’t know my adventurous husband had been planning it all...
Hello Georgia!
March 11, 2014 in Summer, VacationFor our 2012 summer vacation, Hubby took us to Atlanta, Georgia. It wasn’t the first time that we set foot in Atlanta but it was the first time that we actually toured and checked the city’s famous attractions and destinations. Our first Atlanta “trip”...