An Unexpected Disappointment
January 22, 2020 in BooksAs most of you followers know, one of my addictions is reading, making me a bookaholic. There’s hardly been a day in my life since I was six-years old that I haven’t had a book in my hands. Over the course of these decades...
2020 Goals
January 20, 2020 in PersonalI don’t do resolutions, but I make a list of goals for the year. I did it last year and I must say that I’m happy about how much I accomplished from my 2019 goals. House & Home I was able to cross off...
Homemade Sourdough Bread
January 15, 2020 in RecipeNothing is more satisfying than a freshly baked bread. But I never thought of trying to bake bread because I thought it would be difficult. Then a few days ago, our neighbor, Andrew, asked the Hubs if we would like a starter to make...
Must-See Movies in 2020
January 13, 2020 in Entertainment, MovieWatching movies is one of the many things that we enjoy doing as family…sometimes in the comfort of our own home and sometimes at the theater. We do choose which ones we prefer to watch either on the big screen versus the ones we...